Sailing on with the JCAP flagship project
During its January 2022 assembly, the major superiors of our Jesuit Conference approved the flagship project, “Caring for Communities and Creation” as part of the...read more

MAGIS Asia Pacific: Creating welcoming spaces for young people
Malaysia-Singapore Region hosted the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) Youth Ministers meeting from 4 to 7 November at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre (APC) in...read more

Treasurers strike gold in Tokyo
Twenty-five Treasurers of our Jesuit Conference and their assistants gathered in Tokyo from 20 to 23 October for their yearly meeting held at the Jesuit...read more

Sainthood cause of Fr Pedro Arrupe moves to the Vatican
The Closing Session of the diocesan-level inquiry into the life, virtues, reputation for holiness, and signs of the Servant of God Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ...read more

“We are brothers in the Lord”
The song “You Are Mine” ushered the Jesuit Brothers in our conference into the atmosphere of a seven-day Ignatian retreat from 24-30 October. The Lord...read more

Embracing St Alphonsus Rodriguez and the De Statu Societatis as Jesuit brothers
In the last week of October, 14 Jesuit Brothers from across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) convened in Semarang, Indonesia, for a weeklong...read more

Fostering the next generation of eco warriors
The church of St Francis Xavier, together with the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific, hosted a youth eco retreat in Sg Pelek, Sepang, from 19...read more

Forming Ignatian leaders for the 21st century
What does it mean to be an Ignatian leader in the 21st century? This critical question guided the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) Basic...read more

Be with the people and serve them through the sacred ministry
The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) and the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States have been blessed with 11 new deacons: Rico...read more