All Jesuits are vocation promoters

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Vocation promoters from all the provinces and regions of JCEAO held a meeting at the same time the provincials’ meeting last January 26 – 29. They had one plenary session with the major superiors, during which proposals were made calling for a greater effort at vocation promotion.

Major Superiors gathered in Manila

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A new Conference Formation Delegate, better cooperation on theology and philosophy, regional planning and management, and other concerns kept the major superiors occupied last January 26–29 in Manila.

Jesuit formation and apostolic planning were high on the list for the thirteen JCEAO (Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceania) major superiors who met in Manila, as guests of the Philippine Province, in the last week of January. The Conference, which meets every six months, is represented by the major superiors of seven provinces and six regions or missions, and covers over fifteen countries.

The Visit of Fr General in Japan

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The major reason for the trip of Fr General to Japan from December 20 to January 2 was the celebration of the centennial of the Society’s return to the Land of the Rising Sun (1908-2008). The trip also offered Fr. Nicolás the opportunity to meet the Jesuits of the Province of Japan and to see many long-time friends. Fr. José M. de Vera, who accompanied Fr. General on his trip, gave some of his insights.

Fr General’s intervention to the XII Synod of Bishops

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Father Adolfo Nicolás was appointed by the Holy Father to be a member of the XII Synod of Bishops on The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church. The members of the Synod may address the assembly directly or submit their interventions in writing. Father Nicolás’ written intervention was published in the Official Bulletin of the Synod, on October 15. The text, original in English, follows.

In these days of the Synod we have heard a good number of those aspects that make the Holy Scriptures such a precious gift from God.

A Splendid Book on Fr Pedro Arrupe

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Book on Pedro ArrupeThe present Superior General Fr Adolfo Nicolas, SJ thought it was just fitting to pay rich tributes to Pedro Arrupe for his heroic leadership. When Fr Adolfo Nicolas was the President of the East Asian Jesuit Conference prior to his election, he initiated the work of translation of different essays on Arrupe which are found in the Curia archives. Later Fr Hector D’Souza, president of the Jesuit Conference of South Asia took keen interest in publishing this book.

Korea’s new provincial

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On July 30, Fr Matthias Chae, Provincial of Korea, sent out the information that Fr. General has appointed Fr John Won-sik Sin as the next Provincial of Korea. Fr John was born in 1961, entered the Society in 1986, was ordained in 1996. He has been the novice master in Korea Province for the last seven years. Hopefully, Fr John can take office by September 1st.

Welcome Fr Nico and Fr Mark

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He left as the President of the JCEAO and came back as Fr. General. So, when Fr Adolfo Nicolás visited us last March 14 – 23, we welcome him with much joy and we were deeply honoured when he shared his Roman experiences. In the midst of his cleaning up his office and packing his things, he graciously spent time with the various communities in the Manila area: EAPI, Arrupe International Residence, Loyola House of Studies, Xavier School.

Fr Danny Huang’s new appointment

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Fr Daniel Huang, Philippine Provincial, was appointed as one of General Counselors of Father General, and Regional Assistant for East Asia and Oceania. Fr. General gave him up to about a year to prepare for this new assignment. After the General Congregation, Fr Huang will go home, to tie up loose ends, but mostly, to set in motion the search process for a new Provincial. During this period, he may attend some meetings in Rome.

Arrupe International Residence December 2007 – January 2008

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The month of December was a month of celebrations, having parties with friends, sharing gifts and joys with others, especially with the poor and needy. It was a month of enormous blessings for each one of us.

On December 3 some scholastics went to St. Francis Xavier School together with Fr Bill Currie (JPN) to celebrate the feast of Francis Xavier.