Bishop O’Kelly writes from Port Pirie

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Herewith a bit of a report on the last three months or so. In mid-October, Br Ian Cribb  joins myself and a Josephite Sister on a five-day visit to homesteads in the Far North, going by four-seater plane to thirteen destinations, spending a half day in each and staying overnight with the families or in the Shearers’ Quarters.  People come in from outlying Stations and we meet them and say Mass in some of the homesteads.  The Josephite is roving Pastoral Associate, and Ian will reflect on what we might do in the way of the Exercises for such remote people

Parish work for Fr Philip Heng

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Fr. Philip Heng (MAS) will assume the post of Parish Priest of the Church of St. Ignatius, King’s Road, Singapore. This appointment had been accepted by His Grace the Archbishop of Singapore, Nicholas Chia,upon the recommendation of Fr Larry Tan.

Fr Philip Heng will take over from Fr Leslie Raj, whose health is of major concern to us as he is suffering from a chronic stomach problem, which requires constant medical monitoring and attention. Please continue to pray for him.

EAPI Veterans Honoured

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Fr Jose Ma. CalleLast October 15, EAPI held its annual, albeit special, alumni homecoming. The attendees strolled down the 42 years of EAPI’s existence, down to its moment of conception. Fr Jose Ma.

The First Ten Years of EAPI

Fr Pepe Calle (CHN) gave this talk at EAPI’s 42nd alumni homecoming last October 15.

Remembering some highlights of the First ten Years of EAPI

I feel very grateful to Fr. Jeyaraj and the members of the Staff for giving me this opportunity to be with you today. The last time I gave a lecture here was 20 years ago.

People come to the EAPI to EXPLORE the FUTURE;

I am here today to REMEMBER the PAST.

Ongoing Courses at EAPI November 2008

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Sabbatical Pilgrimage

From November 10 – 14, Ms. Gemma Yecla, will conduct her sessions on Genogram. This will be followed by the sessions on Prayer & Discernment by Sr. Judette Gallares, r.c. from November 17 – 21. Then, from November 24 – 29, it will be a joint session with the other course for the module of Fr John Fuellenbach, SVD on Kingdom of God and Christian Community

Jesuit ordained bishop in Vietnam

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On Oct. 7 Cosme Hoang Van Dat, SJ was ordained a bishop and installed as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Bac Ninh, Vietnam. The Principal Consecrator was Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Nhon of Dalat, the president of the Vietnam Conference of Catholic Bishops. Twenty-one bishops took part, including Cardinal Paul Joseph Pham Dinh Tung, retired Archbishop of Hanoi; hundreds of priests and religious and over ten thousand faithful joined the ceremony.

EAPI September 2008 News

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Ongoing Courses

Currently, two ongoing programs, started last June 29th and ending on December 12, are in full swing with their respective modules and activities. The Sabbatical Pilgrimage have 15 participants and the Pastoral Renewal Program (PRP) has 54, for a combined total of 69 participants. This current batch is composed of 35 priests, 29 religious sisters, and 5 lay people. Indeed, EAPI has been blessed with a good number of those who want to renew and update themselves to be more effective in working in God’s Kingdom.

JESCOMEAO June 2008 News

Jesuit Communications Foundation in Manila, in collaboration with the EAPI and JESCOMEAO, conducted an annual one-month Pastoral Communications Workshop for participants coming throughout Asia from May 14 to June 13. Mr. Augustine Loorthusamy (SIGNIS World President, JESCOMEAO Special Assistant) and Fr Jerry Martinson launched this year’s workshop which drew a record number of over 40 participants.