Micronesia May-June 2008 News

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Xavier High School, Micronesia

The school had only a few boys (and no girls) when it started in 1952 at an old bombarded Japanese Communication Centre in Chuuk State; but for its 2007-2008 academic year, it had 142 girls and boys, among the best students of Micronesia. Under the remarkable leadership of the school’s Director, Fr Arthur Leger, the school community had long prepared for and looked forward to important events which took place in and around the school’s new chapel Maria della Strada.

EAPI March 2008 News Report

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EAPI Auditorium to be renamed Nicolas Auditorium

In a decision during a EAPI Staff Meeting held here right after Fr. Adolfo Nicolas’ election as the new Superior General of the Society of Jesus, it was unanimously agreed that the EAPI Auditorium will be renamed Nicolas Auditorium in his honor. Happily, it was pointed out that it is a rare and momentous event indeed that a former EAPI Director is elected as the Superior General! In related news, the EAPI Library is also being named effectively as Francis X. Clark Library.

Forthcoming Courses at the EAPI

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April – June 2008 Courses

  • Pastoral Management Workshop
    April 9 – May 9, 2008
    Fees: US$550.00, inclusive of tuition and board and lodging
  • Lay Discipleship in a Participatory Church
    April 9 – May 9, 2008
    Fees: US$500.00, inclusive of tuition and board and lodging
  • Social Communications in Pastoral Ministry Workshop

News Report from EAPI – April 2007

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Effective Steward Leadership Course 2007

The course on Effective Steward Leadership ended on March 29, 2007. In a closing liturgy and ceremony, 71 received their respective certificates of completion. Out of the 71 graduates, 36 got their Diploma in Pastoral Ministry after completing two regular courses and submitting a pastoral project.

EAPI News for February 2007

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Effective Steward Leadership Course 2007

The ongoing course on Effective Steward Leadership: Towards A New Way of Being Church, which started on January 4, 2007, is already halfway. The course will end on March 30.

Following lectures are as follows: Pastoral Initiative for a Participatory Church by Bishop Julio Labayen, OCD from March 5-9; Lay Ecclesial Ministry: A Canonical Perspective by Fr. Geoffrey King (ASL), from March 12-16; and on Social Teaching of the Church by Fr. Dionisio Miranda, SVD, from March 19-23.

EAPI Alumni Homecoming 2006

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In the afternoon of October 11th, EAPI held its annual alumni homecoming with some 80 guests that included past participants, former staff members and visiting lecturers. EAPI was bursting at the seams when the current participants, M.A. and English students, and the staff members joined the guests for the activities.

Programs and Courses at EAPI

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Ongoing Pastoral Renewal Program

The ongoing Pastoral Renewal Program, which began in June, is practically on its last month. With 71 participants coming from 22 different countries of Asia and the Pacific, the program has branched out to two sub-courses on Contextualizing Theological Perspectives (CTP) and Exploring Pastoral Approaches (EPA). The program will end with an 8-day retreat with Fr Sebastian Painadath from India.

Fr Totet appointed General Vicar of Battambang

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Fr Totet Banaynal writes from Cambodia, “I am back to my base here in Battambang as parish priest. Things are going OK.  After the Tertianship and after four years of knowing and living with the people here, I feel like I am able to plan things out and be more proactive in the works. [Msgr.] Kike appointed me… as the General Vicar for the prefecture. As General Vicar, I will be looking after the finance and relation with donors, establishment and direction of the pastoral center for the ‘Diocese,’ relations with other religions (Buddhists and Muslims).