Eccomi: 12 new deacons in Rome
Eccomi is a simple word in Italian that means “Here I am” and is often used for someone to indicate his or her presence at a particular event. It is also the word those who are to be ordained say … Continued
Eccomi is a simple word in Italian that means “Here I am” and is often used for someone to indicate his or her presence at a particular event. It is also the word those who are to be ordained say … Continued
Three Australian Jesuits made their Final Vows on April 24 at the Australian Jesuit Province Gathering at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview. Fr Sacha Bermudez-Goldman SJ, Fr Tom Renshaw SJ and Fr Nguyen Hoang Trung SJ were joined by friends and … Continued
A good school produces good students who learn and thrive in the right environment, not only in the classroom but outside of it. The school library, well stocked and accessible, is one of the most important places for this. Here, … Continued
A new book published by The Beijing Center (TBC) provides insight into the thinking and experience of the famous Jesuit pioneer, scholar and missionary Matteo Ricci, who arrived in China in the late Ming dynasty. “Matteo Ricci: Letters from China … Continued
Fr Hernan Pinilla of the Yarumal Society for the Foreign Missions bought a six-hectare plot of land in the village of Keov Mony in 2004. He intended to develop it to promote sustainable agriculture in Cambodia. Today, the once empty … Continued
Reading opens a window to the world. But for children in many rural areas, access to books can be challenging. Often there are no bookstores, and not much disposable income for luxuries like books. Having a good school library is … Continued
St Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate (SJJS) in Ho Chi Minh City celebrated its second commencement exercises since being affiliated with the Loyola School of Theology (LST) in Manila in 2018. Fr Rogel Abais SJ, LST Vice President for Academic Affairs, flew … Continued
Banteay Prieb is the Jesuit vocational school for young people with disabilities in Cambodia. In this interview, we get to know Sreng Channarin, a student from the sewing class. Please introduce yourself. Hello. I’m Sreng Channarin from Kandal Province. I … Continued
Portuguese missionary Fr José Alves Martins SJ has worked for the church and the people of Timor-Leste for more than four decades. He lived among the Timorese through the hard years of the Indonesian occupation until the restoration of the … Continued
On March 15, Banteay Prieb had a special guest from Korea. Her Excellency Kim Jung-sook, First Lady of the Republic of Korea, visited Banteay Prieb. It coincided with the visit of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Korea, … Continued