Myanmar celebrates 500 years of Christianity

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A multitude from the remotest edges of Myanmar converged on Yangon to celebrate 500 years of Christianity in the country.  According to Fr Chinnappan Amalraj SJ, Delegate for the Jesuit Myanmar Mission, they occupied all the empty spaces in and around the churches, halls, even Hindu temples.  

Fr Joseph Aik Maung SJ, who was ordained in May, led one group of the Kachins who came from the northernmost dioceses.  Fr Aik Maung is one of only three Myanmar priests in the Society of Jesus.

Pope receives Australian gift for anniversary of Restoration

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Australian Provincial Fr Brian McCoy SJ and former Provincial Fr Steve Curtin SJ presented Pope Francis with a special gift of Sevenhill wine at a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Restoration of the Society.  Fr McCoy and Fr Curtin were in Rome for the Tertian Directors Meeting, which coincided with the anniversary celebration on August 7.  They were joined by another Australian Jesuit, Fr Minh-Uoc Pham.

Found worthy to serve

On August 23, 2014, family, relatives, friends, and Jesuits gathered at the Ateneo de Manila University’s Church of the Gesu to celebrate the diaconal ordination of nine Jesuits, one from the Vietnamese Province (Joseph Pham Din Cu), five from the Korean Province (Seokbae Andrew An, Hyungsik Francis Jo, Do-hyun Paul Kim, Min Kim, Jaesang Jason Bonaventura Lee), and five from the Philippine Province (Ambrosio Faustino Flores, Alvin Dagooc Laput, Mark Peter Ledesma Lopez, Arnel Te Ong, Henry Cogal Ponce).

Five new Jesuit priests in Korea

The Society of Jesus in Korea celebrates five new Jesuit priests.  Fathers Andrew Sung-gyoon Lee, Simon Mon-hoi Kim, Benedict On-dohk Kang, Thomas Min Han and Igwan Su-yun Park were ordained to the priesthood on July 2 at Myeong-dong Cathedral in Seoul, South Korea. More than 1,500 people participated in the ordination mass concelebrated by Most Rev Peter Chung Soon-taek OCD, Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul, and 80 priests. 

A new Jesuit priest in Thailand

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The Society of Jesus has a new Thai Jesuit priest. Francis Xavier Manasan Wongvarn (Yoht) SJ was ordained to the priesthood on May 24, 2014 by Bishop Silvio Siripong Charatsri DD of Chanthaburi at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bang Saen, Chonburi province.

The church, which is a Jesuit parish and has around 150 parishioners, was filled to overflowing by the 800 family, friends, fellow Jesuits, priests and Religious who gathered to witness the momentous occasion.  

Philippine Jesuits begin commemoration of the Restoration

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The Jesuits in the Philippines have responded to the call of Father Adolfo Nicolás, Superior-General of the Society of Jesus, to all Jesuit communities to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Restoration of the Society in 2014 “with humble and sincere gratitude to the Lord, with a desire to learn from our history, and as an occasion for spiritual and apostolic renewal”.

A clear and obvious blessing

It was the moment in which the Society of Jesus finally came to life in Myanmar: the ordination of the country’s first ever Jesuit priest, Fr Wilbert Mireh SJ. Watching on among the throngs of faithful who packed Christ the King Cathedral in Loikaw, in Kayah State in the country’s east on May 1, Myanmar scholastic William-Paul gave quiet thanks for an event whose implications would reverberate far beyond the people who had gathered here to witness it.

17 Jesuits ordained deacon

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Seventeen Jesuit scholastics were ordained deacon in Manila on September 8.  They were an international group from nine Provinces and Regions in three Conferences, Asia Pacific, South Asia and Africa. Six of the new deacons are from the Philippine Province and the other 11 from Arrupe International Residence (AIR).

Korea ordinations

Two Korean Jesuits were ordained priests at the Myeong-Dong Cathedral in Seoul on July 4.  Fr Hyung-chul Simeon Kim SJ and Fr Du-hyun John Kim, SJ both entered the Society in 2002.  More than 800 people joined the Ordination Mass presided by Most Rev. Kyu-man Basil Cho, Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul. During his homily, Bishop Cho asked the newly ordained Jesuits to remember that it is not our capacity that makes the priesthood possible, but the prayers of our parents and the community of faithful.