Remembering Fr James Reuter SJ

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Fr James B Reuter SJ passed away at the age of 96 in Our Lady of Peace Hospital in Manila on December 31, 2012.  Jesuit Communications in the Philippines remembers Fr Reuter, to whom it owes a debt of gratitude for founding the Jesuit Communications Foundation and for championing Jesuit and Church presence in the mass media in the Philippines. 


In Memoriam

Raising consciousness through film

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In a decade, Casa de Produção Audiovisual has built a reputation for producing good film and animation productions that tell stories of the people of Timor-Leste.  In recent years, it has begun producing films in conjunction with non-profit organisations and government departments to raise awareness of political and social issues in Timor-Leste.

Fr General on refugees, communications and social justice

While he was in Australia in January, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás SJ responded to questions on vital areas for the Society in the country, including refugees, communications and social justice.


How can we advance and expand the educational work that is being done to foster peace-building and reconciliation in post-conflict settings?  

Fr General’s response.

CPA film in Prix Jeunesse Festival

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A short film produced by Jesuit work Casa de Produção Audiovisual (CPA) in Timor Leste will be screened and catalogued by the 2012 Prix Jeunesse International.   The biennial festival that promotes excellence in children’s television will be held in Munich from June 1 to 6.

The film, The Youth Parliament, is part of Wisdom of the People, a weekly series CPA produces that is aired on the local television network. 

The Jesuit Post

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A group of young Jesuits in the United States has launched a new website called The Jesuit Post.  The content will range widely, with hopes of covering  “Jesus, politics, and pop-culture … the Catholic Church, sports, and Socrates”.

The first set of articles include pieces on Dr Who, the New Translation of the Roman Missal, Tim Tebow, yoga, Paula Deen, and health care reform.

Lent: The Seven Deadly Sins on film

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During the penitential season of Lent, Thinking Faith will be reflecting upon the ‘seven deadly sins’ by relating each of them to a film.  It begins with a look at the powerful thriller Seven, starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, and examines the history of the seven deadly sins, asking what accounts for their perennial attraction.

Fr Nicholas Austin SJ