Society of Jesus calls for ceasefire and dialogue amidst Gaza devastation

The Society of Jesus condemns the ongoing violence in Gaza and surrounding territories in Israel/Palestine. Standing in solidarity with numerous Catholics, Christians, people of diverse faiths, and non-believers, we reiterate our commitment “not to remain silent”. A statement issued by … Continued

Spotlight on the new safeguarding programme

The new PCCP training and formation programme was the central agenda of the inaugural in-person meeting of the safeguarding delegates across all Jesuit conferences. Tasked with supporting the mission of the Promotion of a Consistent Culture of Protection (PCCP), the … Continued

Fr John Lee Hua becomes first priest in Taiwan qualified by civil authorities to lawfully investigate child protection cases

Fr John Lee Hua SJ, who has dedicated himself to the work of protecting children and young adults, continues to refine his expertise in the field of child protection. He recently obtained qualification in the “Scholar and Experts Pool for … Continued

Refining the RWC vision and mission

In a time of cosmetic solutions and weakening commitment to social causes, the recent De Statu Societatis Iesu (DSS) challenges us to reflect deeply: how do we truly heed the call to care for our common home? This question engaged … Continued

Democracy as a collective responsibility

On 14 February, Indonesians will exercise their right to elect a new President and Vice President. As Christians—comprising 3.06 percent Catholics (about 8.5 million) and 10.48 percent Protestants (about 20.7 million)—we may wonder about the impact of our collective voice. … Continued

Rebuilding lives one year after Syria’s devastating earthquakes

6 February marks one year since the devastating earthquakes shook Syria and Turkey, claiming the lives of thousands and causing more destruction and trauma to millions more Syrians who were already surviving 12 long years of conflict. In response to … Continued