TBC cancels spring programme amid coronavirus outbreak, Rerum Novarum and Wah Yan Colleges give free masks

The Beijing Center (TBC) has announced the cancellation of its spring 2020 semester abroad programme amid concerns of rising cases of the novel coronavirus. TBC made its announcement on 28 January, before travel bans restricting entry into other countries from … Continued

Called to live Laudato si’

In the beginning of January, a group of Jesuit scholastics from Arrupe International Residence studying theology in Manila attended an immersion workshop at the Apu Palamguwan Cultural Education Center (APC) in Bendum, a small village tucked in the mountains of … Continued

A week in Bendum – in pictures

Native flora and fauna thrive in Bendum, Bukidnon in southern Philippines where Ecojesuit Coordinator Fr Pedro Walpole SJ directs the Apu Palamguwan Cultural Education Center (APC), a Jesuit institute for the integrated and holistic education of indigenous children and youth … Continued

Seeking the grace to fulfill our roles in safeguarding minors and vulnerable adults

The New Year is a traditional time to contemplate both the past and the future, which made it a most suitable setting for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) Scholastics and Brothers’ Circle workshop on Safeguarding and Protection of … Continued