JRS Cambodia urges action for documentation, protection for refugees, migrant workers and stateless people

On World Refugee Day, June 20, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Cambodia has issued a statement echoing Pope Francis’ appeal for a shared response to the global refugee situation. “With more than 68 million people displaced worldwide, the call of Pope … Continued

Fr General urges social apostolate to have a holy anger to bring about changes

This year’s annual meeting of the social apostolate coordinators in Rome was special. This time the coordinators were joined by the leaders of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Networks (GIAN), and Fr General Arturo Sosa addressed the delegates not once but … Continued

Renewing commitment to justice for migrants and refugees

It was a time of sharing but also an experience of a very real migration issue in the Philippines.  As part of their annual meeting, the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) Migration Network travelled from Manila to Marawi where … Continued

Jesuits denounce violence in Nicaragua, defend the right to peaceful protest

In response to ongoing protests in Nicaragua and the senseless killing of a Jesuit high school student there, the Jesuits of Central America, the Conference of Provincials of Latin America and the Jesuits of Canada and the United States have … Continued

Global mining survey shows pollution a concern in areas where Jesuits work

Environmental contamination, especially pollution of water sources, is causing significant concern in areas where Jesuits are based, according to a global survey conducted by the Justice in Mining Network. The survey also showed there is strong interest in mining justice … Continued

Building a home for the sustainability concept

The urgency of saving the planet from the greed of its human inhabitants cannot be emphasised enough.  The Catholic Church has joined ranks with secular authorities in calling for immediate actions.  In August 2016 the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific … Continued