How long would you last?

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Imagine your feelings if every time you visited a particular friend you were searched, asked a series of intimidating questions and then taken to a hostile and foreign environment. What if that friend was more of an acquaintance? How long would you be able to handle such difficult visiting conditions? A week? Two weeks?

Seeking eco-justice

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Two Jesuit organisations collaborating on eco-justice recently had the opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading experts on managing the impact of climate change.  At a meeting in Australia in March, Professor Ottmar Georg Edenhofer shared his insights on the impact of induced technological change on mitigation costs and mitigation strategies, as well as the design of instruments for climate change and energy policy with Julie Edwards, CEO of Jesuit Social Services (JSS) in Australia, and Iris Legal of Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC) in the Philippines.

Fostering peace and justice in Cambodia and beyond

The Metta Karuna Reflection Centre provided a sacred space for reflection for Hindu, Muslim and Christian peace seekers from Pakistan and Indian Kashmir in March.

“Many said the time of reflection they spent in our inter-faith sacred space helped them crystallise their desires and arouse their imagination for a peaceful way forward,” said centre founder and director of Jesuit Refugee Service Cambodia Sr Denise Coghlan RSM. “It was a special moment as Hindus, Muslims and Christians gathered around a very concrete and specific peace challenge in Kashmir.”

Fr General on refugees, communications and social justice

While he was in Australia in January, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás SJ responded to questions on vital areas for the Society in the country, including refugees, communications and social justice.


How can we advance and expand the educational work that is being done to foster peace-building and reconciliation in post-conflict settings?  

Fr General’s response.

Japan a year after the earthquake

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Prayers and memorial services were held across Japan on March 11 as the country marked the first anniversary of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that struck its north-eastern coast. 

Much of Japan came to a standstill as the minute of silence was observed at the moment the quake hit, 14:46 local time.

In Sendai, where much of the devastation was concentrated, a Mass of memorial was held at the city’s Motoderkoji Cathedral.

A call for environmental protection and good governance

The Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro in northern Mindanao, Philippines, Antonio J Ledesma SJ, has called for environmental protection and good governance to be part of the post disaster response in Mindanao.  He did so in his homily at the opening of a forum for Bishops and Diocesan Clergy of Mindanao on the challenges of Tropical Storm Washi for Mindanao in February.

Jesuit held for protests against naval base on Jeju Island

The Church in Korea has taken a stand against the construction of a naval base on Jeju Island, a province of South Korea.  The Korean Jesuits are in strong support of this, participating in protests and conducting masses on-site.  As a result some have been arrested a number of times in the past for hindering the construction work. 

On March 11, the Jeju district court issued arrest warrants for Fr Joseph Chong-uk Kim SJ and Protestant Reverend Lee Jeong-hun.  As of March 14, Fr Kim was still being held for investigation and trial. 

Justice & peace award for Cambodia Campaign to Ban Landmines

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As the destruction caused by explosive remnants of war continues, so too does the Cambodia Campaign to Ban Landmines – but with the compassion that these merciless objects lack. On March 14, that compassion was acknowledged when the Campaign was awarded the 15th Tji Haksoon Justice and Peace Award 2012 for its dedication to the welfare and rights of landmine victims.   Cambodia is the fourth most mine-affected country in the world.