In Cambodia, floods have scattered the hope of the people

As the floodwaters in Cambodia recede, the work of recovery and reconstruction begins. Fr Greg Priyadi SJ, Director of Jesuit Service Cambodia, reflects on the damage caused of by worst floods the country has experienced in years and the tough times faced by the people who have lost their homes, their harvest and their livelihoods.

New JRS Asia Pacific director

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Fr Bambang Sipayung SJ has been appointed Regional Director of Jesuit Refugee Service-Asia Pacific.  His three-year term begins on June 1, 2012.

Fr Sipayung replaces Fr Bernard Arputhasamy SJ who has served the region with dedication and competence for nearly seven years.

In his letter of appointment, Father General Adolfo Nicolás said that Fr Sipayung’s rich field experience will be “a great asset to JRS”. 

JRS Asia Pacific kicks off tertiary education project for refugees

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Refugees and asylum seekers now have the opportunity to get a degree in European universities in 2012 with the launch of applications to the AREAS scholarship on November 1.

The Academic Relations between Asia and Europe (AREAS) is a mobility and scholarship project financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 programme.

“AREAS want to ensure that vulnerable populations under Target 3 category are well-served,” said Project Coordinator Bianca Buttiglione.

ACU online programme for refugees provides model for university educators

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An online programme that provides refugees on the Thai-Burma border with the opportunity to study for a university degree is the subject of a chapter in a new book called Ethnicity and Race.  The programme is the brainchild of the Refugee Tertiary Education Committee (RTEC), which was formed by Fr Michael Smith SJ from the Australian Province.

Continued protest to the Four Rivers project

Work is proceeding on the controversial Four Rivers Restoration Project despite Church and popular protest.  Fr Mun-su Park SJ, Director, Jesuit Research Center for Advocacy and Solidarity presents the background of the project that is destroying the ecology integrity of the affected area and reflects on the prophetic meaning of the protest.

Ateneo de Cagayan to be green campus with a blue heart

 The new President of President of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Fr Roberto “Bobby” Yap SJ began his term with a strong message regarding man’s need to reconcile with recreation.

In his Inaugural Address on August 15, Fr Bobby declared that “care for the environment is certainly one of the most crucial and most challenging” frontiers a university can strive to reach, and announced two environmental stewardship projects he will focus on – making the campus green and adapting to climate change.

Healing our broken relationship with creation

Father General Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ has called on all Jesuits to restore and heal humanity’s broken relationship with creation with the same urgency as we are called to serve a faith that does justice.

In a letter to the whole Society on September 16, Father General encouraged the Society to make a commitment to the sustainability of our planet and invited Jesuits to review personal, communal and institutional lifestyles and practices in accordance with this mission of reconciliation with creation.  

Praying with Refugees from Somalia

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On October 5, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI launched an appeal to the international community to help people suffering famine in the Horn of Africa. 

During his general audience that morning, the Holy Father said, “I renew my heartfelt appeal to the international community to continue its commitment to these people. At the same time I invite everyone to offer prayers and concrete support to so many sorely tried brothers and sisters, particularly to the children of the region who are dying every day because of the lack of water and food”.