Ecology meeting along the Mekong

Close to 40 Jesuits, religious and lay companions from across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific gathered in Kompong Cham, Cambodia, from 11 to 15 July for the first JCAP meeting on ecology.

Reconciliation with Creation is a JCAP priority engagement and the meeting aimed to build a common understanding and shared approach to environmental issues among the Provinces. 

Flights for Forests

The Jesuits in the Asia Pacific region have initiated a carbon offset scheme to reduce the impact of air travel on the environment.  Flights for Forests was presented and approved at the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) assembly in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, in July 2011.

“Air travel is a major contributor to global warming, and since our collaboration in the Jesuit mission requires many of us to fly frequently, we seek to mitigate the damage our trips cause to the environment,” said Fr Mark Raper SJ, JCAP President.

As Ignatius Would

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Ignatius Loyola’s gift to the Church was about choice: how to make the best decision in our lives. In the celebrations for Ignatius Loyola the readings speak of choice and of the mission that follows the choice.  Ignatius invites us to say ‘no’ to the self that is focused on itself: the surface self, the small, fearful, insecure self.  By contrast the Gospel reveals the sacred, unique, individual self, the person created and sustained in life by God, loved as a son and daughter, whom Jesus wants to be saved. 

Earth, Fire, Air, Water

posted in: Reconciliation with Creation | 0

Human and environmental devastation caused by floods in Australia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka and by earthquakes and their aftershocks in New Zealand, Japan and Myanmar is massive. Although Japan has the technology and experience to cope with earthquakes, the latest tsunami defied preparation. The consequent nuclear crisis brought the worst of nightmares into reality. 

Discovering Filipino migrants in Algeria

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Fr Roland Doriol SJ spent 15 years in Cebu, Philippines as a Chaplain in a maritime school and at the port, ministering to seafarers and their families.  He sent us this report after three weeks in Algeria in May, during which he met Filipino migrant workers at their work sites and in their camps.