Jatropha as An Alternative Way of Life in Flores Island‐Indonesia

Flores is an island that has sub‐climates. The mountains in this island are highly volcanic in origin, so water can permeate and infiltrate into the ground effectively. There is good storage capacity but there is no clear understanding of how much water is available on the ground. Volcanic earth has certain nutrients that are valuable but when we get to plant, it may not have the right combination of nutrients and the water needed.

The Power of Collaborating

The story begun between 2003 and 2004, when Fr. Bambang Triatmoko SJ was invited to attend a Church gathering of eight bishops and 50,000 youth, in a small village in Bali, Indonesia. From the Church’s perspective, those youth needed to gain more skills aside from the general or basic education they get from their local school. Compared to other region, their youth have very low skilled‐job, which was attributed to low government support to education.

A Discussion with Denise Coghlan

Sister Denise reflects on her 20+ years working in Cambodia and how she is motivated by her faith and a sense of justice. She highlights the challenges facing people with disabilities, of post-conflict reconciliation, and rebuilding trust. She also discusses the legacy of the Khmer Rouge in relation to families and society in Cambodia today. Faith-inspired organizations are an important link between the policy and community levels. Sister Denise stresses that faith-inspired organizations must be experts in their field; faith alone is not always sufficient to make lasting contributions. Finally, she describes her international work on landmines and cluster bombs, which won her team a Nobel Peace prize.

Diakonia now available online

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With rising distribution cost, Jesuit Refugee Service-Asia Pacific has decided to make their magazine, Diakonia, be available online only. If you would like to receive a copy of Diakonia electronically, please email diakonia@jrs.or.th. The last printed copy of the magazine can be downloaded using the link below.

What I have learned in 34 years

posted in: Social Justice | 0

Fr Jorge Anzorena (JPN) spoke at the ACHR Regional Meeting in Bangkok last January 27. Mr Denis Murphy introduced him, saying “This amazing person is Argentinian by birth, entered the Jesuit order and became a priest when he was in his early thirties. . . . If you ever hire someone, you should look for someone like Fr Jorge.” The transcript of Fr Jorge’s talk began as follows, “There are one billion slum dwellers in the world, and 600 million of them are in Asia. This is the situation that has moved many people to do something – activists, professionals, community leaders, architects, planners.

Yunnan Communities in Karst Landscape Continue to Face Water Difficulties

China’s karst landscape stretches through eight provinces in southern China – from Guangxi and Hubei in the east to Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan and parts of Tibet in the west. Unfortunately, this has also become the border of poverty, ecology, and opportunity in south-southwestern China. The karst belt is about 500,000 square kilometers with 8,200 million people living. In Yunnan Province, the karst landscape comprises nearly 44 percent of its total land area.

Environmental Baseline Data Established at Xavier University

Xavier University has now established its baseline data for solid waste management program. Through the Physical Plant Office (PPO), a trial run was conducted for one week and also during the special event of Xavier Days in order to estimate the different volumes of wastes being produced. Now that some data has been gathered, the challenge is to reduce wastes of 9-18 cubic meter per week by 50% and reinforce waste segregation project in the University.

Projected Activities, 1st Quarter 2011

The road to my heart is wounded

Sad, shocked eyes looked at us from the hospital bed.  Earlier in the week Sam Ren had driven the “iron buffalo”, a type of village tractor which carries goods and people across the field to tend the chilli plants. The villagers had been planting this field for some years and used the path across the fields regularly. At night they set out to return home on the same route.

Merapi and the Jesuit scholastics

The first big eruption of Mount Merapi was on the 26 October. A lot of people living as close as 10 km to the volcano were evacuated to safer areas. Like many other students in Yogyakarta, the Jesuit scholastics were still going to school on the following days, viewing the volcano spewing ashes which made a 2 km column of cloud, as they were riding their scooters to the campus.