Finding God in the Broken World

posted in: Reconciliation with Creation | 0

We talk about creation and environment, in study we read about ecology as our Jesuit mission. We get to know about “ecology” but have no understanding with meaning necessary to connect to mission. For instance, we have lectures about keeping the environment green; in our mind we know it is important. In theory we know but cannot grasp its relevance – or our relevance – to broader society.

Our kind of understanding is superficial in that it remains as an idea. This Wonosobo experience to be with people on the land builds a new perspective of what ecology means as creation where we are present.

ATMI: Leading Towards a Techo-Ecological Institute in Indonesia

The Akademi Tehnik Mesin Industri (ATMI)-Solo was established in 1968. Since then, ATMI has become the leading vocational-industrial (manufacturing and engineering) Polytechnic University in Indonesia and probably across Asia. At present, ATMI manages three main faculties, which are distributed among ATMI buildings on two campuses:

Cambodia Church leader targets education and poverty

Monsignor Enrique Figaredo Alvargonzales recently celebrated his 10th anniversary as head of the Battambang apostolic prefecture.

However, even before his installation, he had been working with Cambodians, particularly those with disabilities, as early as 1985 through the Jesuit Refugee Service in Thailand.

A Cluster of Events on the Convention of Cluster Munitions and Mine Ban Treaty

posted in: Migration, Social Justice | 0

16th February 2010 was another mile-stone to celebrate achievement. It is indeed good news of great joy! Sr Denise, Country Director of JRS Cambodia excitedly exclaimed, “Today (16th February 2010) we got the 30 ratifications on the cluster munitions treaty!” This means the treaty will enter into force on 1st August 2010 as a binding international law. “Today we are letting off 104 balloons at Siem Reap, Battambang, Banteay Prieb, and Phnom Penh. 104 is the number of signatories,” continued Sr Denise.