A Cluster of Events on the Convention of Cluster Munitions and Mine Ban Treaty

posted in: Migration, Social Justice | 0

16th February 2010 was another mile-stone to celebrate achievement. It is indeed good news of great joy! Sr Denise, Country Director of JRS Cambodia excitedly exclaimed, “Today (16th February 2010) we got the 30 ratifications on the cluster munitions treaty!” This means the treaty will enter into force on 1st August 2010 as a binding international law. “Today we are letting off 104 balloons at Siem Reap, Battambang, Banteay Prieb, and Phnom Penh. 104 is the number of signatories,” continued Sr Denise.

Newsbits on Cambodia

Jesuit Refugee Service Cambodia reports that the International Convention on Cluster Munitions has now been ratified by 30 countries, which means that it will become binding international law on 1 September 2010. The director of JRS Cambodia, Sister Denise Coghlan, had been lobbying tirelessly governments as part of the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). (Source: Headlines 2010/02 News from the Jesuit Social Apostolate)

Fr Walpole on Environmental Sustainability

posted in: Reconciliation with Creation | 0

An environmental scientist with experience in disaster mitigation, Fr Pedro Walpole (PHI) talks about founding Environmental Sustainability for Social Change, a group using scientific data on the environment to advocate for changes aimed at making poor communities less susceptible to natural disaster. He also talks about his experiences working in an area wracked by conflict. The two-part video was recorded at the Jesuit Social Services All Staff Day, 12 December 2009. View Part 1.

Jesuit Seven-Year Plan for the Environment

posted in: Social Justice | 0

The Jesuit Seven-Year Plan for the Environment was launched at a ceremony at Windsor Castle in England on November 4, along with hundreds of other plans by different faiths, denominations, and religious orders.

Jesuit conferences, provinces, works, communities, and individuals are encouraged, with the help of this plan, to fulfill the mandate of GC35 to "move beyond doubts and indifference and take responsibility for our home, the earth" (D. 3, no. 31).

Weaving History in Battambang

10th Meeting of the Prefecture of Battambang
Siem Reap, October 20-22, 2009

Our life is full of experiences that spin and interweave, making up realities of life completely unsuspected, exceeding many times our dreams and expectations. The strength of life and the faithfulness of God in his love with his people is manifested with extreme clarity. This is our experience in Cambodia.