Fr Denis Kim visits Japan

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In his effort to gain knowledge of the social apostolates in the various units of the EAO Assistancy, Fr Denis Kim (KOR), EAO Social Apostolate Secretary, visited Japan last December 21 – 27. Fr Kim wrote, “The encounter… has become an inspiring refresh for my role as an Assistancy secretariat. Although I have heard that the Jesuit mission is mainly centered on education in Japan, my visit makes me realize that the Jesuit social apostolate is not weak in the Province.

IP Gathering in Davao

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Nine Jesuits, together with sixteen lay partners, attended the weeklong gathering of Jesuits working with indigenous peoples in Asia. It was held from October 29 – November 5 at the Dominican Retreat House, Shrine Hills, Matina, Davao City, Philippines. The Jesuit participants were Bro Dominic Tran Van Tan (VIE), Sch Francis Lim (MAS) and Frs Yves Nalet (CHN), Jojo M.

Consultation on Social Apostolate

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A consultation was held at the office of the JCEAO on November 16. Eight Jesuits participated: Frs Adolfo Nicolas (President), Danny Huang (Philippines Provincial), Roberto Yap (PHI), David Holdcroft (ASL), Tom Steinbugler (JCEAO Treasurer), Fernando Azpiroz (CHN), Pham Minh-Uoc (Socius), and the newly-appointed Secretary for Social Apostolate Fr Denis Kim (KOR).

Vietnamese Jesuits help Lekima victims

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The Lekima typhoon on October 3 severely destroyed the center of Vietnam, especially Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, Sơn La, Quang Binh, Ha Tĩnh, and Nghe An. Damage was initially estimated to be over USD60 million. About 86 people died. Vietnamese Jesuits organized a campaign to provide relief to the victims. Fr Tam and Sch Thong are collaborating with the bishops of Thanh Hoa and Vinh dioceses to provide the victims food and support in rebuilding their lives.

JRS-AP Updates

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Helping in Daru-Kiunga

From the 8-18 February 2007, Fr David Holdcroft (Country Director, JRS Australia) and Fr Bernard Arputhasamy (Regional Director, JRS Asia-Pacific) visited the Diocese of Daru-Kiunga, Papua New Guinea. The Diocese of Daru-Kiunga is in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The Bishop of the Diocese, Gilles Cote, SMM, invited JRS to consider assisting him in the service of refugees in the Western Province, sharing the border with West Papua. There are about 10,000 West Papuan refugees in here.

Scholastics immersed with migrants in Melaka

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On December 22 to January 3, the 10th Scholastics and Brothers-in-formation Circle (SBC) Meeting was held at the Good Shepherd Catholic Seminary in Melaka, Malaysia. The theme of the meeting was “Migration, Urbanization: Our Vision, Passion, and Compassion in the Jubilee Year of the First Companions”.

Fr. Jim Spillane reports from Yogyakarta

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Monday 29 May 2006. Greetings from Yogya in agony. Most of the worst devastation occurred south of the city while our Jesuit residence is located on the north side. Our newly constructed house was able to handle the severe shaking and there was very little damage to our building, thank God. The nearby new campus has had some damage and we are awaiting advice on whether some of the buildings can be entered.

De Britto College damaged by April 29 earthquake

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A quite strong earthquake, registering as high as 5.9 in the Richter scale, rocked Yogyakarta and the surrounding small villages in the eastern part of Yogya early Saturday morning at 6 a.m.

The casualties number more than 5000 dead, and around 15.000 buildings are damaged. Our Jesuit school, de Britto College in Yogyakarta, and the Jesuit Parish, St. Antonius Kotabaru, are severely affected. The roofs of some buildings in the school compound have collapsed. The church is still standing, but its broken walls make it unsafe for further services.