Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


Social Justice

26 July 2011

Discovering Filipino migrants in Algeria

Fr Roland Doriol SJ spent 15 years in Cebu, Philippines as a Chaplain in a maritime school and at the port, ministering to seafarers more

25 July 2011

Growing a better life on the border

In Mae Sot, Thailand, a border town where thousands of people migrate from Burma, work can be hard to come by, especially between planting more

25 July 2011

Living with our neighbours

An annual sports festival for the Thai and Filipino communities in Gimpo began on June 5 with the opening festival day at Gimpo YIUTSARI.  YIUTSARI, more

24 June 2011
Indigenous Ministry

Learning beyond the classroom in Mindanao

The third Hulas (the Pulangiyen term for training and formation) batch graduated in Bendum on May 28.  Led by Fr Pedro Walpole SJ, the more

24 June 2011

Jesuit centres collaborate on migration

Jesuit centres serving migrants came together round the table for the first time in a JCAP workshop held in Seoul from May 15 to 17, more

24 June 2011

JRS marks World Refugee Day

June 20 was World Refugee Day, a day that puts the spotlight on the plight of refugees and highlights how they can be treated more

25 May 2011
Social Justice

Caritas leads ‘tsunami of solidarity’ in Japan

The earthquake and resulting tsunami that killed some 14,000 last March in Japan has caused another tsunami, this time of solidarity and outreach, said more

24 May 2011
Social Justice

Connections between Social Justice and Environmentalism

Fr Patxi Álvarez de los Mozos SJ, secretary of Social Justice & Ecology for the Society of Jesus, explains the intertwined nature of working more

20 April 2011
Social Justice

The Sound of Hope

When the rector of the Jesuit scholasticate in Tokyo, Fr Juan Haidar, asked me whether I was interested in volunteering for relief efforts of Caritas Japan, more

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