De Britto College damaged by April 29 earthquake

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A quite strong earthquake, registering as high as 5.9 in the Richter scale, rocked Yogyakarta and the surrounding small villages in the eastern part of Yogya early Saturday morning at 6 a.m.

The casualties number more than 5000 dead, and around 15.000 buildings are damaged. Our Jesuit school, de Britto College in Yogyakarta, and the Jesuit Parish, St. Antonius Kotabaru, are severely affected. The roofs of some buildings in the school compound have collapsed. The church is still standing, but its broken walls make it unsafe for further services.

Fr. Paul Dass in Roman Meeting

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Fr. Paul Dass, JCEAO Coordinator of the Social Apostolate Secretariat, and lay partner Margaret Martinez, attended the Meeting of Assistancy Coordinators held in Rome May 15 – 21, 2006. Two main items on the agenda were: Reflections with the Commission on Social Justice – to review Decree 3 of GC 34 and prepare specific recommendations for GC 35, and Reflections and sharing on Jesuit – Lay Partnership. For the latter, Fr. Paul Dass sent out questionnaires to Jesuits and their lay partners in the Social Apostolate.