The fourth of the Universal Apostolic Preferences can feed us!

One beautiful day in May, in the Garden of Loyola Hall Spirituality and Research Center, the Pakistani Magis Jesuit Youth came together to explore the beauty of nature. More than 30 young people from around the city of Lahore listened, … Continued

Jesuit Tertianship Immersion Programme: Seeking interreligious dialogue and ecological renewal

Eight Tertians from the Philippines, Indonesia, Slovakia, Malaysia, and Thailand embarked on a week-long immersion programme designed to foster interfaith dialogue and ecological awareness. Held from 23 to 30 April at Pondok Pesantren Ath Thariq, an Islamic boarding house in … Continued

Vietnamese students collaborate with Jesuits on environmental project

The Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training partnered with the Vietnamese Jesuit Province to organise an environmental tour for social work students at the Vietnamese Women’s Academy. Themed “Families join hands to preserve the environment”, the activity held on 18 … Continued

Refining the RWC vision and mission

In a time of cosmetic solutions and weakening commitment to social causes, the recent De Statu Societatis Iesu (DSS) challenges us to reflect deeply: how do we truly heed the call to care for our common home? This question engaged … Continued

Democracy as a collective responsibility

On 14 February, Indonesians will exercise their right to elect a new President and Vice President. As Christians—comprising 3.06 percent Catholics (about 8.5 million) and 10.48 percent Protestants (about 20.7 million)—we may wonder about the impact of our collective voice. … Continued

Concretizing care for creation: Insights from the Laudate Deum online forum

What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today? This was the question that guided the online panel discussion on 8 November hosted by the Reconciliation with Creation network in collaboration with Jesuit … Continued

What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today?

On 4 October, the Vatican released the new apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum. The document is a new edition of Pope Francis’ Laudato si’, which was published seven years ago. “Laudate Deum,” Latin for “Praise God,” focuses on the critical truths … Continued