Islamic principles for sustainability and the environment

The environmental problems we face today are complex and the Church’s concern is shared by other faiths. In Islam, for example, we can find some principles of environmental ethics that deal with nature and creation. These principles are: tawhîd (God’s unity), âyat (sign of God’s presence), mîzân (balance), khalifat (God’s vicegerent) and amânat (trust).

A new app inspired by the Examen

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A new app is providing a fresh take on the 500-year-old prayer created by St Ignatius of Loyola.  Reimagining the Examen is a fresh and customized prayer app inspired by the Examen, a practice that helps you review your day in the presence of God. With unique Examens tailored to various moods, needs and situations, the app invites you to pray from where you are, wherever you are.

Gearing up for Magis Asia Pacific

posted in: JCAP News, Spirituality | 0

The first Magis event for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific begins in a month. On Boxing Day, youth from seven provinces and regions in the Conference will converge in Yogyakarta for the nine-day workshop. Organised by the newly formed JCAP Youth Ministry team, Magis JCAP will help encourage Ignatian Magis formation in Asia Pacific.  It is patterned on the Magis formation programme that the Jesuits in Indonesia have been running for youth since 2008.

Forming Catholic students in Vietnam

posted in: Province News, Spirituality | 0

Although the Jesuits do not have any parishes, schools or universities in Vietnam, they have found a way to reach out to young Catholic students. In what they call their “pastoral ministry of/for students”, they provide, in church-based settings, classes on catechism, Ignatian spirituality, and leadership to help Vietnamese Catholic students become rooted in and widely apply Ignatian spirituality in their lives, and live a life of faith.

Providing a spiritual space for people to encounter God

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The Jesuit spirituality centre in Singapore turns 25 this month. The Centre for Ignatian Spirituality and Counselling officially opened on October 21, 1990, two years after Fr Paul Tan SJ, then Regional Superior of the Jesuits in Malaysia and Singapore, decided to convert the students’ hostel at Kingsmead Hall into a Jesuit novitiate and spirituality centre. Singapore was changing and growing rapidly, and the Jesuits saw in this the need to provide for the spiritual needs of the people.

Walking with the youth

posted in: Parishes & Pastoral Work, Spirituality | 0

The decision some years ago within the Chinese Province to set up a youth ministry in Taiwan is bearing fruit.  What began with a monthly youth mass at the Magis Youth Centre in Taipei has grown into a full-blown program with workshops in Ignatian spirituality, counselling, recollections and retreats, movie nights, and exposure trips.

Superiors should be guided by a shared spirituality of leadership

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What is the mission of a local superior?  Superiors and potential superiors from 11 of the provinces, regions and missions in our Jesuit Conference found themselves exploring and reflecting on this question during a recent workshop held in Seoul, Korea.  The 36 Jesuits were participants in a Workshop for Local Superiors organised by the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific from October 4 to 10.

The need for the “heart” dimension in our living spaces

posted in: Social Justice, Spirituality | 0

Will creating more social spaces in Singapore lead to the sprouting of more social communities? In this concrete jungle we live in today, where do we fit in? How can modern architecture lend a hand in softening Singapore’s concrete jungle, making it a more liveable place? These were some of the questions considered at the forum@KINGSMEAD dialogue and reflection on “Mankind and Urbanisation at the Cross Roads”, held at the Kingsmead Centre for Ignatian Spirituality and Counselling on August 19, 2014.