Recalibrating our response to the call of the Eternal King

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Recently I was called to Rome for two meetings, the first was a two-week meeting of the Coetus Praevius (Preparatory Committee) for General Congregation 36, and immediately following that, the six Conference Presidents stayed on for our annual meeting with Fr General. The backdrop to our time in Rome could not have been more apt – Syrian refugees were arriving in Europe by the tens of thousands. What I heard from JRS Syria director, Fr Nawras Sammour, about the conditions in Aleppo, Homs and Damascus remains with me still today. We were also conscious of the impact of Laudato si’ and its perspective of the interconnections between the forced displacement of people and the widespread destruction of our ‘common home’.

Philippine Provincial Fr Tony Moreno SJ with Fr GeneralFr General participated fully in the Coetus, which comprised two representatives from each Conference plus the moderator, Fr Douglas Marcouiller, from the General Curia in Rome. From our Asia Pacific conference was Philippine Provincial Fr Tony Moreno and myself. The committee examined 182 postulates from all over the Society, touching on a wide variety of topics, including the renewal of our community and individual lives, our commitment to universal service and governance of the Society. The Coetus also looked at the 242 answers to Father General’s request for each Province and Regional congregation to discern the calls that the Eternal King is giving to the Society.

During the meeting of Conference Presidents, Fr General was constantly present. One important agenda item was how to manage the upcoming meetings of electors for the General Congregation because this is the first time that a General Congregation begins at Conference level.  The JCAP electors will meet from October 19 to 22 in Manila.

Another important topic was greater solidarity in supporting Jesuit formation.  The Presidents discussed with Fr General and the General Treasurer, Fr Tom McClain, how programmes already in place at the Conference level can be integrated in a comprehensive plan for the whole Society. Now, we want to find a way to ensure that the finance available for formation reaches the places most in need at universal level.

Another area discussed was leadership. We need good leadership to develop apostolic works with energy and dynamism and to promote communities that reflect the Society’s mission and identity. Much as we can learn from corporate models, we cannot simply adopt them. Our training of leaders must be grounded in our Ignatian heritage. The Presidents shared insights and experience from their various Leadership Development Programmes revealing, among other factors, the importance of being mindful of cultural differences in how a good decision is reached in community.  The JCAP Leadership Development Programme commences in December with four workshops to be held over about 18 months.

Also discussed was the protection of children and vulnerable persons. Also discussed was the protection of children and vulnerable persons. As we reviewed Fr General’s recent letter on this topic, we agreed that tackling this need can be a starting point and an invitation for renewal of the Church in many areas such as human formation and pastoral outreach. Safeguarding children in many parts of the world includes fighting the enlistment of child soldiers, reaching out to street children and action against human trafficking.

Other matters discussed included the Global Ignatian Advocacy networks (GIAN); mechanisms for acting on the global preferences of the Society, especially for China and Africa; the collective authority and responsibilities of major superiors in the governance of the Society and the role of conferences.  These discussions will surely find echoes among electors in the year-long General Congregation 36 about to commence.


Fr Mark Raper SJ
President, Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific
October 5, 2015

Read the statement on the Coetus Praevius here. 

Read an interview with JRS Syria director, Fr Nawras Sammour SJ, about the conditions in Syria here