Refreshed by the forests of Bendum
January 29, 2019
While on school break in January, a group of us from Arrupe International Residence travelled to Bendum in Mindanao for…
A time of being with and for others
January 29, 2019
Two experiences had a profound impact on me during my time at the Scholastics and Brothers Circle in Taiwan last…
A Journey with the poor and marginalised
January 28, 2019
Accompanying displaced people in advocating their land rights in Jakarta Indonesia Working for and with the poor and marginalised brings…
JCAP 2019 annual report now available online
January 22, 2019
It has been another season of grace for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP). Our works, missions and apostolates…
Pursuing further discernment in common
January 22, 2019
The year 2018 is another season of grace. We started the year by launching the discernment of the universal apostolic…
Myanmar Leadership Institute opens in Yangon
January 22, 2019
Myanmar Leadership Institute (MLI), a long cherished dream of Yangon Archbishop Charles Cardinal Maung Bo and the Jesuits of the…
Bird’s eye view of the mission for justice
January 22, 2019
Nearly everyone is now familiar with Google Maps. We use it for finding a location and marking places of interest….
The pioneer graduates of Loiola
January 22, 2019
On December 22, 2018, Colégio de Sto Inácio de Loiola (CSIL) in Kasait, Timor-Leste graduated its first cohort of students….
All the cultures of the world to have the fullness of Christ
January 22, 2019
For over 50 years, the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) has become the Asian hub for theological renewal, updating, experimentation…
Father General’s visit: Vietnamese Province
January 22, 2019
On December 2, 2018 Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, arrived in Ho Chi Minh City. It was his first visit to…