“I am among you as the one who serves”
December 19, 2018
Scholastic Joseph Nguyen Van Luong SJ (extreme right) with JRS Bangkok staff As a young Vietnamese Jesuit in the process…
Interview with the General
December 18, 2018
Photo by Jesuit Communications Philippines Superior General of the Society of Jesus Fr Arturo Sosa spent the first two weeks…
“The First Companions, our inspiration for our life and mission”
December 15, 2018
Be inspired by the First Companions in Venice. This was the message of Jesuit Superior General Fr Arturo Sosa SJ…
Journeying with Pope Francis
December 14, 2018
This Advent Season, the Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica offers the gift of a first-hand and personal account of Pope…
Father General Sosa in Mindanao
December 14, 2018
Philippine Provincial Fr Primitivo Viray Jr SJ and Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ at St John Vianney Theological Seminary in…
Projeto Educação Jesuíta inaugurates new chapel
December 12, 2018
The Jesuits in Timor-Leste with their lay and religious partners, parents and students celebrated the inauguration of a new chapel…
Father General visits the “birthplace” of Catholicism in the Philippines
December 12, 2018
Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ before the statuette of the Santo Niño de Cebu Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ landed…
Fr General Arturo Sosa visits Kalookan
December 11, 2018
Photos by Rev Harry Setianto Sunaryo SJ Kalookan, a highly urbanised and cramped section of Manila’s urban sprawl, has a…
JRS International Director’s statement urging support for the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration
December 10, 2018
A statement from Fr Thomas H Smolich SJ, Jesuit Refugee Service International Director The righteous will answer the king, ‘Lord,…
“Be agents of reconciliation”, Fr General Sosa tells Ateneo students
December 9, 2018
Jesuit Superior General Fr Arturo Sosa SJ told students of the Ateneo de Manila University to be agents of reconciliation,…