Giving thanks for a year of grace
December 19, 2017
Greetings of Peace! This has been another year of grace for our conference. In July, Fr General Arturo Sosa made…
Thirty years of serving at the frontiers of humanity
December 19, 2017
Thirty years ago, a 74-year-old Spanish Jesuit priest had his first encounter with a community of persons affected by leprosy…
New provincial for the Chinese Jesuit Province
December 19, 2017
Fr Stephen Sau-yan Chow SJ will become Provincial of the Chinese Jesuit Province on January 1, 2018. He succeeds Fr John…
Rerum Novarum Center’s “little” ambassador
December 18, 2017
The Jesuit social service centre in Taipei has a “little” ambassador. Twenty-seven-year-old Lily jumps at the opportunity to introduce Rerum…
Be deeply grounded, rooted in the love of God, says Pope Francis to Jesuits in Myanmar
December 13, 2017
Fr Mark Raper SJ, Superior of the Myanmar Jesuits, writes of the meeting of Pope Francis with his brother Jesuits…
Celebrating the inauguration of Xavier Jesuit School in Cambodia
December 12, 2017
The excitement of the children was palpable. Dressed in their yellow and green school uniform, they lined the driveway, cheering…
Being witnesses of the Gospel within the cultures of Asia
December 2, 2017
As a young Jesuit, Fr Arturo Sosa feared being sent away from Venezuela. “I was so enthusiastic about the…
A pause, to reflect on God’s graces and revive
December 2, 2017
Irish Jesuit Fr Ashley Evans served as Director of Xavier Jesuit School in Cambodia from 2013 to 2017. Now on…
How are you, my love?
November 28, 2017
“How are you, my love/ I hope you are well/ Do not worry about me/ I am getting by.” The…
Ignatian Teachers Program brings Asia Pacific educators together
November 24, 2017
Twenty-six delegates from Jesuit schools across the Asia Pacific region converged at St Ignatius’ College Riverview (Riverview) in Sydney, Australia…