Understanding the impact of migration on children
January 13, 2017
Much has been written about migrant workers and their lives and trials working in foreign country. What is often overlooked,…
Called to be companions, not just problem solvers
January 13, 2017
Eka Tanaya of the Australian Province was one of 39 participants in the Scholastics and Brothers Circle (SBC) workshop held…
EAPI: Moving beyond the reefs
December 18, 2016
On December 3, the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) concluded its nine-month celebration of 50 years of being faithful to…
Building a community of Jesuit schools
December 16, 2016
#sfxjcap2016. In October this hashtag began appearing in Instagram as students, faculty and staff of Jesuit schools in Asia Pacific…
New provincial for Jesuits in Vietnam
December 13, 2016
The new provincial of the Vietnam Jesuit Province was formally installed on December 8. Fr Vincent Pham Van Mam (Fr…
A safe house in the city
December 13, 2016
The Utama Safe House (USH) is not just a safe house. It is a community that seeks to provide a…
Puskat Film Festival gains momentum with environment theme
December 13, 2016
This year’s Puskat Film Festival received five times more entries than last year, when it was launched by Studio Audio…
Fr Franz Magnis-Suseno SJ bestowed Matteo Ricci Award
December 13, 2016
Religious extremism has been on the rise in Indonesia. Recently, Muslim hardliners have been staging massive protests in Jakarta demanding…
Celebrating the arrival of the Jesuits in Hong Kong 90 years ago
December 13, 2016
On December 3, the Hong Kong Matteo Ricci community of the Chinese Jesuit Province marked the 90th anniversary of the…
Death of a Superior General: Fr Peter-Hans Kolvenbach SJ
December 12, 2016
Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach SJ who was Superior General of the Society of Jesus from 1983 to 2008, passed away on…