Click to pray
March 21, 2016
The Apostleship of Prayer has launched an app to encourage people throughout the world to pray every day for the…
Rest in peace
March 21, 2016
Fr Andrew Lee Sung-gyoon SJ, the new director of Yiutsari, the Jesuit migrant centre in Korea, reflects on the death…
Examining the treatment and needs of young adults in Irish prisons
March 20, 2016
The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice in Dublin, Ireland has embarked on an extensive review of the needs of…
You must be saints!
March 20, 2016
In his first visit to Asia, His Eminence Giuseppe Cardinal Versaldi, Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, enjoined educators,…
Encouraging Buddhist-Christian dialogue
March 1, 2016
The Christian-Buddhist Workshop group of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) has produced its first book, to showcase its…
50 years of providing pastoral programmes in the spirit of Vatican II
February 27, 2016
Fifty years ago, the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) embarked on a new mission through the initiative of Fr Pedro…
A temporary respite
February 27, 2016
As usual it began with a phone call. In the first week of February, a call came through from the…
Advocating for migrants in the US as Pope visits Mexico-US border
February 26, 2016
During Pope Francis’ visit to Ciudad Juarez, a Mexican city on the border with the United States, thousands affiliated with…
First Fe y Alegría Congress in Africa
February 26, 2016
In January, the first Fe y Alegría Congress in Africa was held with more than 40 participants from Chad, Madagascar,…
To hear, understand, and accept refugees
February 26, 2016
On January 21, more than 170 Montagnards (Degar Christians) were granted the chance to a fair asylum process by the…