Reflections on Jesuit Identity
September 16, 2012
At the International Colloquium on Jesuit Secondary Education in Boston, Fr Danny Huang SJ, Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific, posed…
Encouraging leadership in service among students
September 16, 2012
Students from five countries in Asia Pacific gathered in the Philippines in July for a reflective and experiential forum designed…
Micronesian school moves into its own campus
September 16, 2012
After a year in borrowed space at St Mary’s Parish and grammar school, Yap Catholic High School (YCHS) opened its…
Building up the social sector
September 16, 2012
The social apostolate needs to be approached from the perspective of Ignatian Spirituality, which provides a new way of seeing…
Rare books about China from Boston College’s Jesuitica Collection now online
August 20, 2012
Fr Jeremy Clarke SJ, an Australian Jesuit and assistant professor of history at Boston College in the United States, has…
Reflecting on governance arrangements
August 18, 2012
Typhoon Vicente reached Hurricane Signal 10 overhead as the half yearly Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) Major Superiors’ assembly…
Australian Province (ASL), Cambodian Mission (KAM), Chinese Province (CHN), East Timor Region (ETR), Indonesian Province (IDO), Japanese Province (JPN), JCAP, Korean Province (KOR), Malaysia-Singapore Region (MAS), Micronesia (MIC), Myanmar Region (MYN), Philippine Province (PHI), Thai Region (TAI), Vietnamese Province (VIE)
Strengthening the migrant ministry network
August 18, 2012
Jesuits and collaborators working with migrants and refugees in Asia Pacific gathered in Manila recently to share insights and ideas…
The suffering of the Church in Cambodia
August 18, 2012
In a recent interview, Fr Enrique (Kike) Figaredo Alvargonzález SJ, Apostolic Prefect of Battambang, spoke of the suffering of the…
Timor Leste immersion
August 18, 2012
Students and teachers from Jesuit and Partner Schools across Australia took part in a Timor Leste Immersion over the school…
Long Experiment in Micronesia
August 18, 2012
A Jesuit novice from the United States reflects on the five months he spent in full-time apostolic work in Micronesia,…