A first for the Society’s conference socii
November 24, 2023
The meeting of the socii of the six Jesuit conferences took place from 13 to 17 November at the Jesuit…
Fostering a Church that listens
November 21, 2023
The Catholic community in Battambang, Cambodia is taking steps towards nurturing a more synodal Church, one that listens to all…
Living synodality at the October assembly
November 18, 2023
In previous articles and presentations I’ve done about the Synod, I’ve often said that “the method is the message”. This…
Growing in our life-mission as Friends in the Lord and Companions of Jesus
November 16, 2023
I had the privilege of being one of the 13 members who attended the colloquium for new major superiors held…
Young priests gathering of the Chinese Province: Sharing and discerning in deep brotherly friendship
November 15, 2023
As the pandemic situation eased and border controls relaxed, nearly 20 young Jesuit priests who are in apostolic ministries of…
Concretizing care for creation: Insights from the Laudate Deum online forum
November 14, 2023
What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today? This was the question…
A journey of self-discovery with friends
November 12, 2023
Xavier Carlile (pictured left), along with 11 other volunteers, took the incredible opportunity offered by the Cardoner Network to be…
Ecojesuit towards COP28: Committing to a South-North climate justice advocacy
November 10, 2023
The climate crisis can no longer be denied. Its most severe effects are felt in the Global South where extreme…
Conference of Jesuit Provincials in Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL), COP28, Ecology, JCAP, Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM), Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States (JCCU), Jesuits in Europe (JCEP), Jesuits in South Asia (JCSA), Laudate Deum, Pope Francis, Reconciliation with Creation
New Superior for the Independent Jesuit Region of Timor-Leste
November 9, 2023
Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ has named Fr Erik John J Gerilla SJ as the new Regional Superior for the…
What is the message and call of Laudate Deum for our context in Asia Pacific today?
November 1, 2023
On 4 October, the Vatican released the new apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum. The document is a new edition of Pope…