East Timor October 2008 News
November 8, 2008
The three first-year novices, Armando Smith, Gemito de Jesus and Luis Perreira, began the Spiritual Exercises on November 1 under…
EAPI Veterans Honoured
November 8, 2008
Last October 15, EAPI held its annual, albeit special, alumni homecoming. The attendees strolled down the 42 years of EAPI’s…
The First Ten Years of EAPI
November 8, 2008
Fr Pepe Calle (CHN) gave this talk at EAPI’s 42nd alumni homecoming last October 15. Remembering some highlights of the…
Ongoing Courses at EAPI November 2008
November 8, 2008
Sabbatical Pilgrimage From November 10 – 14, Ms. Gemma Yecla, will conduct her sessions on Genogram. This will be followed…
TBC Second Decade Celebration
November 8, 2008
Last October 16, a special celebration was held at University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) to mark the 10th…
Jesuit ordained bishop in Vietnam
November 8, 2008
On Oct. 7 Cosme Hoang Van Dat, SJ was ordained a bishop and installed as the ninth Bishop of the…
Re-dedication of Xavier High School, Micronesia
November 8, 2008
Fr Ken Hezel (l) and Mr Mabuchi (r)
Fr General’s intervention to the XII Synod of Bishops
November 8, 2008
Father Adolfo Nicolás was appointed by the Holy Father to be a member of the XII Synod of Bishops on…
A Splendid Book on Fr Pedro Arrupe
November 8, 2008
The present Superior General Fr Adolfo Nicolas, SJ thought it was just fitting to pay rich tributes to Pedro Arrupe…
JCEAO President’s Schedule November 2008
November 8, 2008
November 3–14: Visitation with Arrupe scholastics. Some of these days will also be spent on visitations with EAPI Jesuit community…