Myanmar July 2008 News
August 12, 2008
On August 1, Fr Peter Kim Se Mang wrote, "Earlier at 5pm we had a Eucharist at Canisius House presided…
East Timor July 2008 News
August 12, 2008
Community Retreat Thirteen mission members plus three novices made their annual retreat at the Carmelite Retreat House in Maubara on…
Korea’s new provincial
August 12, 2008
On July 30, Fr Matthias Chae, Provincial of Korea, sent out the information that Fr. General has appointed Fr John…
Handover in Indonesia
August 12, 2008
The ceremonial handover was held on July 21, at the end of the meeting of Local superiors and Directors of…
EAO Activities for August 2008
August 12, 2008
August 14: EAPI Board of Trustees Meeting, EAPI, Quezon City, Philippines August 26–28: AJCU Annual Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia August 31–September…
Summer Exposure of Juniors
July 8, 2008
William Paul and Albino with members of the Talaandi Tribe. To develop a sensus christi through sharing lives with the…
Arrupeans on Foreign Mission Exposure Program (FMEP)
July 8, 2008
By the end of the second semester of the school year 2007-2008, some scholastics immediately prepared for their Foreign Mission…
JESCOMEAO June 2008 News
July 8, 2008
Jesuit Communications Foundation in Manila, in collaboration with the EAPI and JESCOMEAO, conducted an annual one-month Pastoral Communications Workshop for…
Micronesia May-June 2008 News
July 8, 2008
Xavier High School, Micronesia The school had only a few boys (and no girls) when it started in 1952 at…
EAO Activities July 2008
July 8, 2008
There will be a consultation of youth/young adult workers during the MAGiS08 in Sydney, Australia. The Third Edition of the…