Inter-Assistancy Tertianship resumes September 2008
January 9, 2008
After a thorough evaluation and much reflection, JCEAO and the South Asia Conference decided that the inter-assistancy tertianship program, based…
Treasurers’ Circle welcomes new member
January 9, 2008
Fr General has officially appointed Fr Desmond Dwyer the new treasurer of the Australian Province. Fr Des is the parish…
Hong Kong gains from Fr Leonard’s visit
January 9, 2008
Fr. Richard Leonard (ASL), Director of the Australian Catholic Film Office and the Catholic Church Television, came to Hong Kong…
New IT service from the Congregation for the Clergy
January 9, 2008
A new Web page “BibliaClerus” presents in Web format, a service which had made its appearance two years ago in…
East Timor November 2007
December 11, 2007
Fr Jose Martins traveled to Singapore on November 12-21 for a health check up. Fr Filomeno Abel traveled to Rome…
AJCU gathers international program officers
December 11, 2007
Officers of the international programs of the different schools under the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) umbrella met…
Consultation on Campus Ministry apostolate
December 11, 2007
On November 7, there was a consultation on the campus ministry apostolate, in view of integrating this apostolate under the…
IP Gathering in Davao
December 11, 2007
Nine Jesuits, together with sixteen lay partners, attended the weeklong gathering of Jesuits working with indigenous peoples in Asia. It…
Consultation on Social Apostolate
December 11, 2007
A consultation was held at the office of the JCEAO on November 16. Eight Jesuits participated: Frs Adolfo Nicolas (President),…
Jesuit Scholar Appointed Consultor To Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
December 11, 2007
TAIPEI (UCAN) — French Jesuit scholar Fr Benoit Vermander, who researches religion and culture, has been appointed a consultor to…