October 2007 News Report from Arrupe Residence
November 13, 2007
The month of October has been one of the busiest months for the Arrupe community. From October 1 –10, Fr…
News Report from EAPI for October 2007
November 13, 2007
After a short break, the two ongoing programs, Pastoral Renewal and Sabbatical, resumed and will continue till December 12, 2007.
New website on Inter-religious dialogue
November 13, 2007
Fr Cyril Veliath (JPN), Ad-hoc Coordinator for Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, has uploaded a new web page http://pweb.cc.sophia.ac.jp/jesuit45/. Fr Miguel Lafont’s page…
Fr Gendron on the meeting of TBC Board
November 13, 2007
Fr Louis Gendron, in his province letter dated October 24, wrote, “Today I was in Beijing for a meeting of…
New Socius for Malaysia-Singapore
November 13, 2007
Effective November 1, 2007, Br Gerard Choo Thean Yoon was appointed by the Provincial to be the new Socius of…
Vietnamese Jesuits help Lekima victims
November 13, 2007
The Lekima typhoon on October 3 severely destroyed the center of Vietnam, especially Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, Sơn La, Quang…
Events for November to December 2007
November 13, 2007
Oct 29–Nov 4: Gathering of Jesuit Commission on Indigenous Peoples, Davao City, Philippines. Fr Nicolas joined the group on Nov…
East Timor News September 2007
October 5, 2007
Father General has approved the establishment of a novitiate in East Timor in 2008, likely in April. He has further…
Banteay Prieb received national recognition
October 5, 2007
The vocational training offered by Jesuit Service at Banteay Prieb (Centre of the Dove) for disabled survivors of landmines and…
EATEP Dates for 2008
October 5, 2007
East Asia Theological Encounter Program Tentative dates for 2008 are: January 10-February 14, 2008; April 9- May 9, 2008; July…