Nine Jesuits ordained deacons in Vietnam
March 25, 2023
On the Feast of St Joseph, Patron of the Society of Jesus and St Joseph Jesuit Scholasticate in Thu Duc…
African Jesuits’ social centre appeals for support for victims of Cyclone Freddy
March 23, 2023
The devastating effects of Cyclone Freddy, which hit Malawi, Mozambique, and Madagascar, continue to rise with the death toll surpassing…
The Beijing Center opens its first satellite education space
March 20, 2023
The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC) has formally opened its first satellite site inside Mainland China. The Kunming Liya…
Diaconate ordination in Japan
March 16, 2023
The Japan Province rejoiced in the ordination of two Japanese deacons in the St Mary Chapel of St Ignatius Church,…
Planning for a hope-filled future for migrants, refugees, and IDPs
March 14, 2023
難民の友に, 難民と共に Nan min no tomo ni. Nan min to tomo ni. “Let’s be friends, together with refugees.” This motto…
Vocation Promoters meet in Singapore
March 12, 2023
Vocation Promoters from our Jesuit conference met in Kingsmead Centre, Singapore from 5 to 9 March to discuss Fr General…
Fostering intercultural friendship, knowledge, and tradition
March 10, 2023
Some 19 students and teachers from Sophia University in Tokyo visited Xavier Learning Community (XLC) in Chiang Rai to learn…
The “language of the heart” and other reflections from the Asia Pacific Tertianship programme
March 7, 2023
The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific runs a Tertianship programme based in Manila from September to March of the following…
With your love and grace, I have all I need
February 23, 2023
On the 100th anniversary of Ignatius College in Yogyakarta on 16 February, the Indonesian Province celebrated the priestly ordination of…
On Holy Ground: Final Vows of Fr Jordy Orbe SJ
February 22, 2023
Fr Jordan Orbe SJ made his Final Vows on 15 February at the Oratory of St Ignatius of Loyola, Loyola…