Fratelli Tutti: The Dream of God for a More Human World
January 11, 2023
The Pontifical Gregorian University has published a book edited by Fr Danny Huang SJ and Fr Laurent Basanese SJ of…
Ateneo de Manila University wins World Universities Debating Championship
January 9, 2023
Students from Ateneo de Manila University bagged the grand prize in the World Universities Debating Championship held in Madrid, Spain…
Youth ministry and vocation promotion in a Catholic minority country
January 6, 2023
A group of Jesuits in formation spent the week leading up to Christmas learning and sharing about youth ministry and…
2022 at a glance
January 3, 2023
We look back on the year 2022 with much gratitude, hope, and love. During the past year, we launched the…
In Memoriam: Pope Benedict XVI (1927-2022)
December 31, 2022
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was head of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013, has died at the age…
Celebrating Cardinal Darmaatmadja’s birthday with a run for vocations
December 29, 2022
In celebration of the 88th birthday of Jesuit cardinal and Archbishop Emeritus of Semarang and Jakarta, Julius Cardinal Darmaatmadja, the…
Working and walking together as members of the “Jesuit” body of higher education
December 26, 2022
I attended for the first time the gathering of the International Networking Officers of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and…
Of Christmas, fragility and synodality
December 22, 2022
The first Christmas is the greatest story of God’s fragility and humanity. As a frail infant, God enters into our…
“We’re all Church together”
December 21, 2022
Fr Justin Glyn SJ has firsthand experience of living with a disability. Legally blind since birth, he sees life through…
Matteo Ricci now a step closer to becoming a saint
December 19, 2022
On his 86th birthday on 17 December, Pope Francis signed a decree recognising the “heroic virtues” of Jesuit Matteo Ricci,…