How do we answer the call of “Fratelli Tutti”?
May 6, 2022
In March 2021, Wishma Sandmali, a Sri Lankan woman, died in the Nagoya Detention Center. She came to Japan with…
Amid Covid and coup: Accompanying young people in Myanmar
May 4, 2022
When the virus first began to spread throughout the world, in Myanmar “Covid” was an unknown word. Young people of…
Nothing new, everything new!
April 27, 2022
“Father General, what is really new about the Universal Apostolic Preferences?” “I can answer it in different ways: Nothing new,…
Conference of Jesuit Provincials in Latin America and the Caribbean (CPAL), Fr General Arturo Sosa, JCAP, JCAP Plan 2021-2025, Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM), Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States (JCCU), Jesuit Curia in Rome, Jesuit Formation, Jesuits in Europe (JCEP), Jesuits in South Asia (JCSA), Vietnamese Province (VIE)
An Easter sojourn in a sacred homeland
April 24, 2022
A mystifying mist enveloped the sacred homeland of the indigenous communities of the Cordillera in northern Philippines as we arrived…
A Church journeying together
April 21, 2022
I attended the Discerning Leadership Accompaniment Network international gathering in Rome from 6 to 9 March. This was the first…
The Jesuits in Indonesia: Honouring the past, embracing the future
April 18, 2022
On 8 September 2021, the Jesuits in Indonesia celebrated the 50th anniversary of Indonesia as an independent province of the…
A New Status for the Golden Land
April 15, 2022
Burma has always been an exotic, isolated country. Over the centuries, the Jesuits have undertaken three distinct missions in Myanmar,…
The women in the Resurrection narratives
April 13, 2022
Dear friends, The Easter narratives are consistent in their accounts that the women are the first group of people to…
Handover and Final Vows in Myanmar
April 12, 2022
The Myanmar Jesuits marked two significant and joyful events in their region at a Mass on 25 March, Feast of…
Our students’ journey to baptism in Cambodia
April 11, 2022
In Cambodia, religious activities cannot be held in schools, even after school hours. Therefore, students who wish to know the…