Faith, hope, and love in Australian Jesuit’s ordination
November 20, 2020
Fr Eka Tanaya SJ was ordained to the priesthood on 14 November at St Ignatius Church, Richmond by Most Rev…
La Civiltà Cattolica to be available in Japanese
November 18, 2020
The oldest Catholic journal published in Rome, La Civiltà Cattolica, will be published in Japanese as part of Kadokawa Culture…
Embracing art as a ministry
November 13, 2020
Fr Jason Dy SJ for the Red Umbrella Project Series, Hyundai Hall, Areté, Ateneo de Manila University, October 2020 |…
Detention in Asia and the Pacific
November 11, 2020
In line with the second Universal Apostolic Preference–walking with the excluded, the poor, the outcasts, those whose dignity has been…
Making God’s Kingdom present in our new world
November 11, 2020
It is definitely a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment we live in today. The impact of the pandemic…
We stand with Stan
November 10, 2020
Many of us have been inspired by Fr Stan Swamy SJ through his talks and writings as the former director…
A virtual coffee talk with Jesuit brothers
November 9, 2020
On the vigil of the Feast of St Alphonsus Rodriguez on 30 October, the vocation promotions team of the Indonesian…
A blue moon Magis meeting
November 8, 2020
It might have been another weekend for many, but 31 October was a special night of encounter for us who…
Two wheels of opportunity amidst a pandemic
November 6, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic is no obstacle for determined Xavier Jesuit School students in Cambodia, who eagerly ride great distances in…
“Learning by Refraction” comes to Catholic schools in Thailand
November 5, 2020
A Thai translation of Learning by Refraction: A Practitioner’s Guide to 21st-Century Ignatian Pedagogy has been published by the Catholic…