Fr Paul Jackson SJ: A man of patience, perseverance and prayer
July 27, 2020
Fr Paul Jackson SJ was an Australian missionary to Hazaribag and applied to Patna Province. He died in Patna, India,…
Handing us the tools
July 25, 2020
To kick off Ignatian Month celebrations in early July, the Ateneo de Manila’s Office for Ministry and Identity invited the…
“You give them something to eat”
July 23, 2020
When I see much of the relief work being done for Covid-19, I notice that most of what is reported…
@CatholicChurch: An invitation to rethink Church ministry in the time of Covid-19
July 20, 2020
Rev Hwang Chang-yon, a parish priest and famous YouTuber, had already insisted several years ago that the Church should be…
Five “corona” priests in Korea
July 16, 2020
On 1 July, five Jesuits in the Korean Province were ordained as priests. They are Fr Kim Hak-joon Michael, Fr…
God’s grace in lockdown
July 13, 2020
We were almost halfway through our programme at the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) when it was announced to us…
Celebrating ordinations in the Chinese Jesuit Province
July 10, 2020
Moved by their deep desire to serve in the vineyard of the Lord, six young men from the Chinese Jesuit…
Apostolic Planning in a time of Covid-19
July 8, 2020
In Asia Pacific, we seem to have entered a secondary phase in the Covid-19 crisis, which can perhaps be called…
Kike Figaredo: 20th Anniversary as Apostolic Prefect of Battambang
July 7, 2020
This year, Spanish Jesuit Fr Enrique “Kike” Figaredo SJ, known as the “The bishop of the wheelchairs” celebrates his 20th…
Empowering women and girls to lead
July 6, 2020
The social worker (extreme left) and the women she helped find jobs I must have been about 14 years old. …