Reaching out to the most vulnerable in Myanmar
May 8, 2020
On 1 May, the Jesuits in Myanmar prayed for workers all over the world remembering, in particular, the millions who…
Care and collaboration in a broken world
April 30, 2020
Ecojesuit released a video in time for Earth Day 2020. Its theme: the balance of life, the oikos of economy…
From retreat house to refugee centre
April 29, 2020
The Jesuit retreat house in Kamakura has transitioned into a shelter for refugees. The Retreat House of Martyrs of Japan…
Jesuits of South Asia appeal for help for migrant labourers
April 29, 2020
Millions of Indian migrants who have left their villages to work in the cities now find themselves stranded with no…
Indonesian Jesuits respond to the coronavirus
April 28, 2020
Indonesia is the second country in Southeast Asia, after Singapore, with the highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases as of…
La Civiltà Cattolica launches Chinese edition
April 27, 2020
The prestigious Jesuit journal, La Civiltà Cattolica, has launched a new edition in simplified Chinese to mark its 170th anniversary,…
Australian Jesuit Province: Pastoral and social care during Covid-19
April 24, 2020
While parishioners haven’t been able to gather at Mass, some Jesuit parishes in Australia have been keeping people connected in…
God in the midst of boxes and dried fish
April 23, 2020
Whenever crises or disasters strike, it is inevitable for many people to ask, “Where is God in all this?” Probably…
Nature’s retaliation & our repentance
April 20, 2020
Oh the sin of human greed That marred our paradise! It spawned in us a fatal need For a lethal…
A webinar featuring Fr General Arturo Sosa
April 16, 2020
Since the time of St Ignatius, when people wrote letters, communication was already essential to the Society of Jesus. The…