2019 at a glance
January 13, 2020
Pope Francis greets students of Sophia University in Tokyo We start the year 2020 with a look back on some…
Seeking the grace to fulfill our roles in safeguarding minors and vulnerable adults
January 12, 2020
The New Year is a traditional time to contemplate both the past and the future, which made it a most…
Sending warmth to foreign fishermen in Taiwan
January 10, 2020
Rerum Novarum, the Jesuit social centre in Taipei dedicated to serving disadvantaged workers in vulnerable situations, gave winter supplies to…
Diversity and Ignatian Indifference: Magis Asia Pacific in Thailand
January 8, 2020
More than 80 young people, including Jesuit and lay animators, ended 2019 and started off 2020 with the third Magis…
“Growing in community, sharing with society”
January 6, 2020
Xavier Learning Community (XLC) is a Jesuit education project helping ethnic minorities in northern Thailand. They don’t just supply education…
Christian leaders in India condemn hasty Citizen Amendment Act, repression of youth and student protesters, and loss of innocent lives
December 27, 2019
Over 200 Christian leaders from across India, among them philosophers, theologians, former officials, academics and lawyers, have condemned the Citizenship…
Gratitude for a year of journeying together with the Spirit
December 22, 2019
Greetings of Peace! We have been truly blessed this year. On 19 February, Fr General Arturo Sosa announced the four…
Nine new Jesuit priests in Vietnam
December 11, 2019
The Vietnamese Jesuit Province celebrated the ordination to the priesthood of nine Jesuit deacons on December 3 at St Joseph…
Instituto São João de Brito celebrates judicium of “pioneer” Class of 2019
December 11, 2019
Instituto São João de Brito (ISJB), the Jesuit teacher education institute in Timor-Leste, celebrated a momentous occasion on November 30…
Learning to dance with God and His people
December 9, 2019
The third module of the second intake of the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) gathered some 30 participants from various parts…