Learning to be a teacher again
November 22, 2019
“We must toil strenuously. With spirit and determination, we can prevail in all things.” My first years in the academe…
Adolfo Nicolás SJ: “Pray with Francis for Japan and from Japan, pray for Francis, supporting his evangelical spring”
November 20, 2019
Some months ago, Fr Juan Masiá SJ interviewed his Jesuit brother and former Jesuit Superior General Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ…
A JCAP gathering in Rome
November 20, 2019
Jesuits from the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) who work or study in Rome got together on Sunday, October…
Pope Francis’ visit to Japan and the “geopolitics of mercy”
November 18, 2019
Ahead of Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to Japan from November 23 to 26, Sophia University in Tokyo organised a symposium…
“Let us hear the cry of the crucified of the world”
November 14, 2019
“Continue the way opened by Jesus, without ever forgetting prayer, more and more sensitive to the cry of the crucified…
A new Blessed for the Church
November 13, 2019
Fr Emilio Moscoso SJ will be beatified on November 16 in Riobamba, a city in Ecuador where he bore ultimate…
Final Vows and jubilee celebrations in Indonesia
November 12, 2019
The Indonesian Jesuit Province celebrated the Final Vows of six Jesuit priests and one brother, and the jubilee of 20…
Brothers gather in Yogyakarta for prayerful discernment on the Universal Apostolic Preferences
November 11, 2019
Every two years, Jesuit brothers, including those in formation, gather from across the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) to…
The drive to teach in a conflict affected area
November 9, 2019
Ja Aung, a young woman from Myanmar, serves as a volunteer teacher in a school in Kachin State located in…
Australian Province Communications Conference: a shared vision, culture of generosity and openness to work with others
November 7, 2019
When interviewing for my role as the Director of Communications for the Australian Province last year, I asked one of…