Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


Christian-Buddhism dialogue

23 June 2012
Interreligious Dialogue

Exploring and experiencing Buddhism

Sixteen Jesuits participated in the East Asian Theological Encounter Programme (EATEP) held at the Seven Fountains Spirituality Centre in Chiangmai, Thailand from April 16 more

23 May 2012
Interreligious Dialogue

Discussing faith, social justice and public policy

The Metta Karuna Reflection Centre in Siem Riep, Cambodia hosted an open discussion on faith and its impact and influence on public policy on more

25 May 2011
Interreligious Dialogue

Working on the Koan Mu: The psychology of Zen in practice

In this essay, after giving some background information, I present reflections on some of my own “psychological” experiences of doing Zen over the last more

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