Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


East Asian Pastoral Institute

23 January 2020

Filling up my “empty cups”

In my 21 years in religious life, I have been engaged in two ministries: Formation and Generalate. I was a formator in the novitiate more

28 November 2019

A place of renewal

Fr Norbert, a religious from Papua New Guinea, recalls a time when he was stuck in a bad place in his life. He drank more

10 September 2019

EAPI launches online journal

It was a fine day despite the weatherman’s gloomy forecast. God always has the last say. On that blessed note, we launched the East more

23 April 2019

Like a seed that has been sown

My wife and I have been working for the Daru-Kiunga Diocese as family life coordinators for 13 years. In 2017, she attended the same more

08 April 2019
International Works

Caring for the self

Life in the mission is not a garden of roses. In the process of our journey there are times when we find ourselves in more

28 March 2019

I am their sister

I am a Franciscan missionary in Macau, China. I came to the Philippines last year to study English. Back in Macau I did pastoral more

11 March 2019

We are instruments through which God’s grace needs to flow

I had no expectations when I came to the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI). I was just in need of some rest and solitude. more

27 February 2019
International Works

Available and happy to serve

The East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) is a good place for pastoral workers to have a break and relax. I felt more connected with myself, more

12 February 2019

“I found a God who gives direction”

When my provincial asked me to attend a course at the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI), I was hesitant to go. I didn’t know more

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