
New book offers practical guide to 21st-century Ignatian leadership
A newly released book titled Leading with Depth: A Practitioner’s Guide to 21st-Century Ignatian Leadership offers modern leaders a practical and accessible interpretation of more

Keeping Jesus at the heart of the mission
Members of the International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education (ICAJE) convened in Rome at the end of May. The gathering focussed on more

Strengthening our education apostolate
Education delegates from across our Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) gathered in Bali, Indonesia, from 10 to 13 April to foster collaboration and more

Starting with failure!
This was the theme of one of the sessions of the Ignatian formation programme organised by the Jesuits in Pakistan for our collaborators, who more

The Beijing Center celebrates 25 Years; elects Fr Stephen Tong SJ as board chairman
To mark the 25th anniversary of the only Jesuit institution in mainland China, The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC) gathered friends and alumni more

St Joseph’s Family of Schools’ production explores boundaries in societies
“A Story of Ours: Us and Them”, a production by the St Joseph’s Family of Schools in Kuching, Malaysia, was staged at the Archdiocesan more

Building a hope-filled future in Timor-Leste
A few kilometres outside Dili stands Colegio de Santo Ignacio de Loiola (CSIL), the secondary school run by the Jesuits in Timor-Leste. I was more

TBC welcomes Bishop Stephen Chow in historic visit to mainland China
The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC) had the honour of welcoming Bishop Stephen Chow SJ to its campus on 20 April. As the more

The youth: The here and now
I was fortunate to have been a delegate at the first-ever International Conference on Youth Ministry (ICYM 2023), which was a collaboration between the more