Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


Fr Adolfo Nicolás

23 March 2013
Beyond JCAP

The Society and Pope Francis

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope.  In a statement issued on March 14, Father General Adolfo Nicolás SJ gave thanks to God for more

20 November 2012
Beyond JCAP

Structures for mission

In September, the six Conference Presidents gathered in Rome for their annual meeting with Fr General. Although we came from very different parts of more

04 November 2012
Beyond JCAP

I do believe, but help the little faith I have

In a letter to Major Superiors on the occasion of the launch of the Year of Faith, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás, superior general of more

04 November 2012

Fr General on New Evangelisation

In his invention at the 25th Synod of Bishops, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás, superior general of the Society of Jesus, told the Synod that “ more

20 March 2012

Fr General on refugees, communications and social justice

While he was in Australia in January, Fr General Adolfo Nicolás SJ responded to questions on vital areas for the Society in the country, more

22 February 2012

Fr General in Australia

Fr General Adolfo Nicolás SJ was in Australia in January for the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific Major Superiors Assembly.  During his visit, he more

22 February 2012

Fr General visits Vietnam

The Superior General of the Jesuits, Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ, made a special trip to Vietnam when he visited the region for the Jesuit more

21 November 2011
Interreligious Dialogue

Fr General: Evangelisation-through-dialogue

Father General Adolfo Nicolás SJ speaks to The Way about Interreligious Dialogue: The Experience of some Pioneer Jesuits in Asia. Before becoming Superior General more

24 June 2011

Fr Nicolás: ‘The globalisation of superficiality’

Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Nicolás speaks to Jesuits in Belgium about how our modern world is giving us less time for what really matters more

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