Companions in a mission of justice and reconciliation


Fr General

May 28, 2020
Beyond JCAP

Godspeed, Fr Nico

The funeral Mass for Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ was held in St Ignatius Church in Tokyo on 23 May presided by Japan Provincial Fr more

May 24, 2020

The depth of Fr Adolfo Nicolás

In his letter to the whole Society of Jesus dated 20 May, Fr Superior General Arturo Sosa relayed “with sorrow, but at the same more

May 23, 2020

Remembering Adolfo Nicolas SJ: Leader, Missionary, Wise Man and Witness

Fr Adolfo Nicolas, whom we called Nico, very rarely spoke about himself. Even when he was sick, his interest was in others. When I more

May 21, 2020

En todo amar y servir: A tribute to Fr Adolfo Nicolás Pachón SJ (1936-2020)

On 4 August 2018, two days before Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ left Manila for Tokyo, a testimonial dinner was held to honour and thank him. more

May 21, 2020

Adolfo Nicolás Pachón SJ 1936-2020

Infectious humour, refreshing simplicity, clear insight and natural warmth have characterised Fr Adolfo Nicolás in many roles and responsibilities. Jesuits and collaborators across the more

May 20, 2020
Beyond JCAP

Death of a Superior General: Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ (1936-2020)

Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ, 30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus (2008 to 2016), has died at the age of 84 in Tokyo today, more

Jul 10, 2019
Fr General's visit 2019

Fr General to visit Korean, Chinese and Japanese Provinces

Superior General of the Society of Jesus Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ is set to visit Korea, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan in more

Jan 22, 2019
Fr General's visit 2018

Father General’s visit: Vietnamese Province

On December 2, 2018 Fr Arturo Sosa SJ, arrived in Ho Chi Minh City. It was his first visit to Vietnam. Fr Provincial Vincent more

Jan 22, 2019
Fr General's visit 2018

Father General’s visit: Philippine Province

By December 8, 2018, Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ was on the second leg of his trip to Asia Pacific: Manila, Philippines. He had more

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