Rowing into the deep

General Congregation 36 (GC 36) dominated Jesuit life during 2016.  The theme, “Row into the deep”, was derived from a message of Pope Francis to the Society of Jesus in 2014, echoing Jesus’ call to his disciples to “put out into the deep”.  In the Congregation logo, the IHS represents the Society’s boat in the Church; the waves are the troubled seas of our times into which Jesuits are invited to row with faith.

Called to collaborate in the mission of Christ Jesus

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“The Society of Jesus can develop only in collaboration with others: only if it becomes the least Society that collaborates. We want to collaborate generously with others, inside and outside of the Church, in the awareness, which comes from the experience of God, of being called to the mission of Christ Jesus.” 

Responding anew to the call of the Eternal King

We celebrate on July 31 the feast of Ignatius Loyola, the founder and first Superior General of the Society of Jesus. His successor was elected at the first General Congregation that, delayed by a war, was held two years after his death, in 1558.  In October this year, 220 electors will assemble in Rome for the 36th General Congregation, called to elect the 31st Superior General who will replace Fr General Adolfo Nicolás who, at 80 years of age, is seeking to resign.

The empty tomb – the hiddenness of God

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“If I do not see him, I will not believe, said Thomas.” (John 20,25).  Well said, Thomas.  Seeing is believing.  We can identify with Thomas.

Yet how is it that on entering an empty tomb, Peter and the disciple with him, the one Jesus loved, saw and believed?  How can a tomb that is empty be a cause of belief? Can the absence of Jesus be a source of energy, joy and love?