Recalibrating our response to the call of the Eternal King

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Recently I was called to Rome for two meetings, the first was a two-week meeting of the Coetus Praevius (Preparatory Committee) for General Congregation 36, and immediately following that, the six Conference Presidents stayed on for our annual meeting with Fr General. The backdrop to our time in Rome could not have been more apt – Syrian refugees were arriving in Europe by the tens of thousands. What I heard from JRS Syria director, Fr Nawras Sammour, about the conditions in Aleppo, Homs and Damascus remains with me still today.

Reminded of who we are called to serve

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Dear friends,

At last week’s assembly of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific the major superiors reflected on Laudato si’ and issued a declaration that seeks to animate a lively response in Asia Pacific.  We urge all Jesuits in our Conference, our colleagues, and all those we seek to serve, to make a thoughtful and generous response to Pope Francis’ plea to reconcile with creation, which is one of our apostolic priorities.

Meeting Pope Francis

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Some 40 Jesuits met with Pope Francis at the Nunciature in Manila during his Philippines visit.  All were ecstatic at the invitation. I was privileged to be among them. 

From the beginning, the meeting was very much that of brother Jesuits coming together. Provincial Tony Moreno SJ opened the meeting saying that Francis had been met by 40 elephants in Sri Lanka and here in Manila he was met by 40 Jesuits. To which Francis replied, “The elephants were more colourfully dressed.”

A Universal Body with a Universal Mission

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At our annual meeting with Fr General in Rome this month, the six Jesuit Conference presidents identified significant strategies that are bearing fruit for greater solidarity among Jesuits and our colleagues globally, and planned new cooperative measures.  Since the primary goal of conferences concerns mission, we dealt with questions such as restructuring of governance arrangements, solidarity in sharing resources across the Society, cooperation in the formation of Jesuits and promotion of studies in Ignatian spirituality. 

Dialogue, discernment, frontier

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With a Pope whose language and behaviour so closely reflect his Jesuit identity, the Society of Jesus is enjoying a period of encouragement in its mission.  Pope Francis models a discerning, compassionate, pastoral approach for the Church. Each day he surprises us, yet his initiatives make sense to many people, whether believers or not, whether Christians or not.

Structures for mission

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In September, the six Conference Presidents gathered in Rome for their annual meeting with Fr General. Although we came from very different parts of the world, we could experience much in common in our roles of service to the Society’s global mission. 

Rev Fr Ismael G. Zuloaga SJ, November 2, 1927 to October 8, 2012

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We know that death comes to everyone, nothing is more certain. Yet somehow, Zulo has been with us forever and why should that change?  Yet death, so common, so utterly usual, normal, has come to claim him and to surprise us.   Even in his diminishment these last 5 or 7 years the essential Zulo was ever present.  Through years of dialysis with its obvious discomfort, he retained his inscrutable, penetrating, quizzical gaze. His face had a Mona Lisa quality. Was that a smile, a question, or a comment?