Where the Church can serve in Myanmar

Myanmar is at a crossroads; an exciting point in its history as a nation. One of the poorest, most ethnically diverse and conflict-prone societies in Southeast Asia, Myanmar is now emerging from decades of isolation. Changes are afoot, as the release, election to parliament and recent travel abroad of Aung San Suu Kyi demonstrate.  A parliament is in place; interim elections passed without major offences. Many political prisoners have been released.  The demands to halt construction of the Irrawaddy Dam project appear to have been heeded. 

As Ignatius Would

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Ignatius Loyola’s gift to the Church was about choice: how to make the best decision in our lives. In the celebrations for Ignatius Loyola the readings speak of choice and of the mission that follows the choice.  Ignatius invites us to say ‘no’ to the self that is focused on itself: the surface self, the small, fearful, insecure self.  By contrast the Gospel reveals the sacred, unique, individual self, the person created and sustained in life by God, loved as a son and daughter, whom Jesus wants to be saved. 

Welcome Fr Nico and Fr Mark

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He left as the President of the JCEAO and came back as Fr. General. So, when Fr Adolfo Nicolás visited us last March 14 – 23, we welcome him with much joy and we were deeply honoured when he shared his Roman experiences. In the midst of his cleaning up his office and packing his things, he graciously spent time with the various communities in the Manila area: EAPI, Arrupe International Residence, Loyola House of Studies, Xavier School.