Towards a culture of encounter with other religions

Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ referred to himself as a pilgrim when he visited the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific last year. “St Ignatius used to call himself ‘the pilgrim,’ someone actively searching for the will of God. I would … Continued

Building a home for the sustainability concept

The urgency of saving the planet from the greed of its human inhabitants cannot be emphasised enough.  The Catholic Church has joined ranks with secular authorities in calling for immediate actions.  In August 2016 the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific … Continued

Jesuits Among Muslims discuss Islamist radicalism

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Radicalism was a central theme in the meeting of the Jesuits Among Muslims (JAM) group held in Mojokerto near Surabaya, Indonesia. About 20 people including Jesuits from Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey and Algeria came together from August 7 to 11 to experience and learn about the Muslims living in an Islamic context that is different from the Arab.

Preparing a way for youth to leave a mark through Asian Youth Day

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For the last year, Magis Indonesia has been helping to prepare volunteers for the 7th Asian Youth Day.  With Asian Youth Day taking place from July 31 to August 6, the volunteers are now in the thick of things, doing their part to ensure that the more than 2,000 youth from all over Asia leave Indonesia prepared to leave a mark on the world. 

Six Jesuits ordained priests in Indonesia

The Society of Jesus welcomed six new priests from the Indonesia Province with the ordination of Fathers Antonius Dhimas Hardjuna SJ, Ferdinandus Tuhu Jati Setya Adi SJ, Gerardus Hadian Panamokta SJ, Stephanus Advent Novianto SJ, Thomas Septi Widhiyudana SJ and Thomas Surya Awangga Budiono SJ.

Fr General Sosa highlights community and collaboration in visit to Indonesia

Fr Arturo Sosa SJ kicked off his first official trip to Asia Pacific as Superior General of the Society of Jesus with a visit to the world’s most populous Muslim nation – Indonesia. Fr Sosa, who spent most of his three-day visit from July 11 to 13 in Yogyakarta, stressed that he was there “to learn and not to teach”.

Fr General Arturo Sosa arrives for first visit to JCAP

Superior General of the Society of Jesus Fr Arturo Sosa arrived in Yogyakarta, Indonesia today, July 11, on the first leg of his first visit to the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP). 

Tomorrow, Fr General will meet with the Jesuits of the Indonesia Province for talks pertaining to General Congregation 36, which elected him as Superior General last year, and directions of Jesuit life, mission and engagements.

Rediscovering solidarity

“So, where is home for you?” Upon hearing this question, Sediqa broke down in tears. This seemingly innocent question brought back the only vague memory she has of the home she left when she was four. Being Hazara, a Shiite ethnic group in predominantly Sunni Afghanistan, she and her family were forced to flee the land they called home. Now 24 years old, Sediqa is stranded in Cisarua, West Java, Indonesia, the last stop in her seemingly endless journey through Pakistan, Iran and to the promised land that seems more and more distant as the time passes.